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10.2. Identifiers

Identifiers name various IDL constructs, like modules, interfaces, and constants. In IDL, an identifier has to follow these rules:

10.2.1. Mapping Identifiers to Java

An IDL-to-Java compiler attempts to map all IDL identifiers unchanged into equivalent Java identifiers.

An exception is the case where a mapped identifier conflicts with an identifier created automatically by the IDL compiler. IDL interfaces, for example, when they are mapped to Java, have two additional Java interfaces created for them, named with the original interface name, with Helper and Holder appended (see Chapter 4, "Java IDL" for details on the purpose of these generated interfaces). So, an interface named List is mapped into a Java interface named List, and also causes the creation of Java interfaces named ListHelper and ListHolder. If there is another identifier in the IDL file you've named ListHelper or ListHolder, its mapped Java identifier has an underscore prepended to it (e.g., _ListHelper, _ListHolder) to avoid a conflict with the generated interface names. In general, identifiers automatically generated by the IDL compiler have precedence over other identifiers declared explicitly in the IDL file.

The other exception to the general rule of directly mapping IDL identifiers to Java identifiers is with a mapping that conflicts with a Java keyword. In this case, the mapped Java identifier has an underscore prepended to it. If, for example, you declared a constant named package (not a reserved keyword in IDL), it is mapped to a Java variable named _package.

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