Java uses several different classes for working with dates and times. The java.util.Date class represents an instant in time (precise down to the millisecond). This class is nothing more than a wrapper around a long value that holds the number of milliseconds since midnight GMT, January 1, 1970. Here are two ways to determine the current time:
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Current time in milliseconds java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); // Basically the same thing long t1 = now.getTime(); // Convert a Date to a long value
The Date class has a number of interesting-sounding methods, but almost all of them have been deprecated in favor of methods of the java.util.Calendar and java.text.DateFormat classes. To print a date or a time, use the DateFormat class, which automatically handles locale-specific conventions for date and time formatting. DateFormat even works correctly in locales that use a calendar other than the common era (Gregorian) calendar in use in much of the world:
import java.util.Date; import java.text.*; // Display today's date using a default format for the current locale DateFormat defaultDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); System.out.println(defaultDate.format(new Date())); // Display the current time using a short time format for the current locale DateFormat shortTime = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); System.out.println(shortTime.format(new Date())); // Display date and time using a long format for both DateFormat longTimestamp = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL); System.out.println(longTimestamp.format(new Date())); // Use SimpleDateFormat to define your own formatting template // See java.text.SimpleDateFormat for the template syntax DateFormat myformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd"); System.out.println(myformat.format(new Date())); try { // DateFormat can parse dates too Date leapday = myformat.parse("2000.02.29"); } catch (ParseException e) { /* Handle parsing exception */ }
The Date class and its millisecond representation allow only a very simple form of date arithmetic:
long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // The current time long anHourFromNow = now + (60 * 60 * 1000); // Add 3,600,000 milliseconds
To perform more sophisticated date and time arithmetic and manipulate dates in ways humans (rather than computers) typically care about, use the java.util.Calendar class:
import java.util.*; // Get a Calendar for current locale and time zone Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // Figure out what day of the year today is cal.setTime(new Date()); // Set to the current time int dayOfYear = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); // What day of the year is it? // What day of the week does the leap day in the year 2000 occur on? cal.set(2000, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 29); // Set year, month, day fields int dayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); // Query a different field // What day of the month is the 3rd Thursday of May, 2001? cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2001); // Set the year cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.MAY); // Set the month cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.THURSDAY); // Set the day of week cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, 3); // Set the week int dayOfMonth = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // Query the day in month // Get a Date object that represents 30 days from now Date today = new Date(); // Current date cal.setTime(today); // Set it in the Calendar object cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 30); // Add 30 days Date expiration = cal.getTime(); // Retrieve the resulting date
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