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D.7. Package javax.crypto.spec

Class javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec

This class represents a key specification for DES keys; this specification may be used with a secret key factory to import and export DES keys.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	public static final int DES_KEY_LEN;

	// Constructors
	public DESKeySpec(byte[]);
	public DESKeySpec(byte[], int);

	// Class Methods
	public static boolean isParityAdjusted(byte[], int);
	public static boolean isWeak(byte[], int);

	// Instance Methods
	public byte[] getKey();

See also: SecretKeyFactory

Class javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec

This class represents a DESede key specification. It can be used with a secret key factory to import and export DESede keys.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	public static final int DES_EDE_KEY_LEN;

	// Constructors
	public DESedeKeySpec(byte[]);
	public DESedeKeySpec(byte[], int);

	// Class Methods
	public static boolean isParityAdjusted(byte[], int);

	// Instance Methods
	public byte[] getKey();

See also: SecretKeyFactory

Class javax.crypto.spec.DHGenParameterSpec

Instances of this class may be used to supply the algorithm-specific initialization method for generating Diffie-Hellman keys.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.DHGenParameterSpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public DHGenParameterSpec(int, int);

	// Instance Methods
	public int getExponentSize();
	public int getPrimeSize();

See also: AlgorithmParameterGenerator, AlgorithmParameterSpec

Class javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec

This class encapsulates the public parameters used in the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol. Instances of this class can be passed to the algorithm-specific initialization methods of a key pair generator.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public DHParameterSpec(BigInteger, BigInteger);
	public DHParameterSpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, int);

	// Instance Methods
	public BigInteger getG();
	public int getL();
	public BigInteger getP();

See also: AlgorithmParameterSpec, KeyPairGenerator

Class javax.crypto.spec.DHPrivateKeySpec

This class represents a key specification for Diffie-Hellman private keys. It can be used with a key factory to import and export Diffie-Hellman keys.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.DHPrivateKeySpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public DHPrivateKeySpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger);
	public DHPrivateKeySpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, int);

	// Instance Methods
	public BigInteger getG();
	public int getL();
	public BigInteger getP();
	public BigInteger getX();

See also: DHParameterSpec, DHPublicKeySpec, KeySpec

Class javax.crypto.spec.DHPublicKeySpec

This class represents a key specification for Diffie-Hellman public keys. It can be used with a key factory to import and export Diffie-Hellman keys.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.DHPublicKeySpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public DHPublicKeySpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger);
	public DHPublicKeySpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, int);

	// Instance Methods
	public BigInteger getG();
	public int getL();
	public BigInteger getP();
	public BigInteger getY();

See also: DHParameterSpec, DHPrivateKeySpec, KeySpec

Class javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec

This class represents an IV (initialization vector) for a cipher that uses a feedback mode. Ciphers in CBC, PCBC, CFB, and OFB modes need to be initialized with an IV.

Class Definition

public javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public IvParameterSpec(byte[]);
	public IvParameterSpec(byte[], int, int);

	// Instance Methods
	public byte[] getIV();

See also: AlgorithmParameterSpec, Cipher

Class javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec

This class represents a key specification for a key that is used with passphrase encryption.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public PBEKeySpec(String);

	// Instance Methods
	public final String getPassword();

See also: PBEParameterSpec, SecretKey, SecretKeyFactory

Class javax.crypto.spec.PBEParameterSpec

This class encapsulates the salt and iteration count that are used in passphrase-based encryption.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.spec.PBEParameterSpec
	extends java.lang.Object
	implements {

	// Constructors
	public PBEParameterSpec(byte[], int);

	// Instance Methods
	public int getIterationCount();
	public byte[] getSalt();

See also: AlgorithmParameterSpec, Cipher, PBEKeySpec

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