This abstract class is an ImageFilter that provides an easy way to implement filters that modify the colors of an image. To create a color filter that modifies the colors of an image, you should subclass RGBImageFilter and provide a definition of filterRGB() that converts the input pixel value (in the default RGB color model) to an output value. If the conversion does not depend on the location of the pixel, set the canFilterIndexColorModel variable to true so that the RGBImageFilter can save time by filtering the colormap of an image that uses an IndexColorModel instead of filtering each pixel of the image.
public abstract class RGBImageFilter extends ImageFilter { // Default Constructor: public RGBImageFilter() // Protected Instance Variables protected boolean canFilterIndexColorModel; protected ColorModel newmodel; protected ColorModel origmodel; // Public Instance Methods public IndexColorModel filterIndexColorModel(IndexColorModel icm); public abstract int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb); public void filterRGBPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, int[] pixels, int off, int scansize); public void setColorModel(ColorModel model); // Overrides ImageFilter public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorModel model, public void setPixels'u'byte[] pixels, int off, int scansize); // Overrides ImageFilter public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, ColorModel model, public void setPixels'u'int[] pixels, int off, int scansize); // Overrides ImageFilter public void substituteColorModel(ColorModel oldcm, ColorModel newcm); }
Object->ImageFilter(ImageConsumer, Cloneable)->RGBImageFilter
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