This class is a subclass of InflaterInputStream that reads and uncompresses data compressed in gzip format. To create a GZIPInputStream, you must simply specify the InputStream it is to read compressed data from, and optionally specify a buffer size for the internal decompression buffer. Once a GZIPInputStream is created, you can use the read() and close() methods as you would with any input stream.
public class GZIPInputStream extends InflaterInputStream { // Public Constructors public GZIPInputStream(InputStream in, int size) throws IOException; public GZIPInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException; // Constants public static final int GZIP_MAGIC; // Protected Instance Variables protected CRC32 crc; protected boolean eos; // Public Instance Methods public void close() throws IOException; // Overrides FilterInputStream public int read(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException; // Overrides InflaterInputStream }
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