The PLVcase (PL/Vision CASE) package converts the case of PL/SQL source code so that it conforms to the UPPER-lower method (reserved words in upper-case, application-specific identifiers in lower-case). See Chapter 18, PLVcase and PLVcat: Converting and Analyzing PL/SQL Code for details.
c_usecor CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := 'COR';
The constant used in calls to module (see below) to indicate that a CREATE OR REPLACE should be appended to the source code for the program unit.
c_nousecor CONSTANT VARCHAR2(4) := 'NCOR';
The constant used to tell module to not append the CREATE OR REPLACE to the program unit.
FUNCTION token (token_in IN VARCHAR2, pkg_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
Converts the case of a single token according to the UPPER-lower method.
(line_in IN OUT PLVio.line_type,
line_out IN OUT PLVio.line_type,
found_out OUT BOOLEAN);
Converts the case of a single line of source code according to the UPPER-lower method (it calls PLVcase.token for each token in the string).
Converts the case of a string according to the UPPER-lower method. It formats the string as necessary for a call to the PLVcase.line procedure.
PROCEDURE string (string_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
Procedure version of the string function. It hands you back your own string variable with the case of the tokens converted.
(module_in IN VARCHAR2,
cor_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_usecor,
last_module_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
Converts the case of a single program unit according to the UPPER-lower method.
PROCEDURE modules (module_spec_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
Converts the case of multiple program units according to the UPPER-lower method.
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