The PLVfk (PL/Vision Foreign Key) package is a high-level, easy-to-use interface to look up foreign key information in your tables. See Chapter 19 for details.
c_prefix CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'P';
Specifies that the column abbreviation is to be used as a prefix.
c_suffix CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := 'S';
Specifies that the column abbreviation is to be used as a suffix.
c_no_change CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'NO CHANGE';
Used to indicate that no change is to be made to the string value.
c_int_no_change CONSTANT INTEGER := 0;
Used to indicate that no change is to be made to the INTEGER value.
PROCEDURE set_vclen (length_in IN INTEGER);
Sets the default VARCHAR2 length for the foreign key named retrieved by the function.
PROCEDURE set_id_default
(string_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change,
type_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change);
Sets the default value to be used as the suffix or prefix of the name for the ID column.
PROCEDURE set_nm_default
(string_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change,
type_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change);
Sets the default value to be used as the suffix or prefix of the name for the name column.
FUNCTION name (fk_id_in IN INTEGER, fk_table_in IN VARCHAR2, fk_id_col_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change, fk_nm_col_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change, max_length_in IN INTEGER := c_int_no_change, where_clause_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Retrieves the name for the specified table and ID.
FUNCTION id (fk_nm_in IN VARCHAR2, fk_table_in IN VARCHAR2, fk_id_col_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change, fk_nm_col_in IN VARCHAR2 := c_no_change, max_length_in IN INTEGER := c_int_no_change, where_clause_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) RETURN INTEGER;
Retrieves the ID (primary key) for the specified table and name or descriptor.
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