Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages

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PL/Vision Package Specifications
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5.29 PLVvu: Code and Error Viewing

The PLVvu (PL/Vision View) package provides a set of programs that allow you to view both stored source code and compile errors. See Chapter 15, PLVvu: Viewing Source Code and Compile Errors for details.

5.29.1 Package constants

c_overlap INTEGER := 5;

The default and initial value for the number of lines to overlap around a line with a compile error.

5.29.2 Setting the overlap

PROCEDURE set_overlap (size_in IN INTEGER := c_overlap);

Call this procedure to change the size of overlap from the default described above. If you call set_overlap without any value, the size is set back to the default.


Returns the current number of overlap lines.

5.29.3 Displaying stored code

(name_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
start_in IN INTEGER := 1,
end_in IN INTEGER := NULL,
header_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'Code');

Displays some or all of the lines of source code for the specified object.

PROCEDURE code_after
(name_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
start_with_in IN VARCHAR2,
num_lines_in IN INTEGER := overlap,
nth_in IN INTEGER := 1);

Displays some or all of the lines of source code for the specified object that come after the nth appearance of the specified string.

5.29.4 Displaying compile errors

(name_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
overlap_in IN INTEGER := overlap);

Displays the compile errors for the specified object, along with the immediately surrounding code. You can provide an override to the current number of overlap lines in the second argument.

PROCEDURE err (name_in IN VARCHAR2, type_in IN VARCHAR2);

Displays the compile errors for the specified object, along with the immediately surrounding code. In this version of err, you supply the program name and the program type separately (and rely on the default overlap). This is available primarily for backward compatibility to earlier versions of PLVvu.

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5.28 PLVtrc: Trace FacilityBook IndexIII. Building Block Packages

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