Miroslav "Misko" Skoric, skoric at eunet dot yu
v3.31, 2008-01-13
LILO is the most used Linux Loader for the x86 flavor of
Linux; I'll call it Lilo rather than LILO here because I don't
appreciate uppercase. This file describes some typical Lilo
installations. It's intended as a supplement to the Lilo User's
Guide. I think examples are informative even if your setup isn't much
like mine. I hope this saves you trouble. Since Lilo's own
documentation is very good, who's interested in the details is
referred to /usr/doc/lilo* (once upon a time said gentlemen like
Cameron Spitzer and Alessandro Rubini who have made early versions
of this document)
This version of Lilo mini-HOWTO is based on work of Cameron Spitzer
) and Alessandro Rubini
). There are also contributions from Tony Harris
) and Marc Tanguy
). Well, I have used materials from
the authors mentioned - without changes - and added some pointers
related to configuring LILO for using with Windows NT and Windows 2000.
More detailed information about the activation of Windows NT/2000 from LILO
menu, you may find in wonderfull
Linux+WindowsNT mini-HOWTO.