More to be filled later...suggestions are welcome!
America: ARIN, ARIN / registration page, ARIN / IPv6 guidelines
EMEA: Ripe NCC, Ripe NCC / registration page, Ripe NCC / IPv6 registration
Asia/Pacific: APNIC, APNIC / IPv6 ressource guide
Latin America and Caribbea: LACNIC, IPv6 Registration Services, IPv6 Allocation Policy
Africa: AfriNIC
Also a list of major (prefix length 32) allocations per local registry is available here: Ripe NCC / IPv6 allocations.
Note: A list of available Tunnel broker can be found in the section Tunnel broker below.
Former IPng. Tunnelbroker and IPv6 resources, now migrated to the SixXs System.
Eckes' IPv6-with-Linux Page.
tunnelc - a perl based tunnel client script: Project details for tunnel client SourceForge: Project Info - tunnelc (also here)
Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO, Chapter 6: IPv6 tunneling with Cisco and/or 6bone.
Lot of URLs to others documents by Anil Edathara
go6 - The IPv6 Portal: an IPv6 online portal with a wiki-based IPv6 knowledge center, an IPv6 discussion forum, an up-to-date collection of IPv6 Events and News, free IPv6 access and services, IPv6 software applications, and much more
Publishing the list of IPv6-related RFCs is beyond the scope of this document, but given URLs will lead you to such lists:
List sorted by IPng Standardization Status or IPng Current Specifications by Robert Hinden
IPv6 Related Specifications on
Current (also) IPv6-related drafts can be found here:
Get any information about IPv6, from overviews, through RFCs & drafts, to implementations (including availability of stacks on various platforms & source code for IPv6 stacks)
SWITCH IPv6 Pilot / References, big list of IPv6 references maintained by Simon Leinen
DeepSpace6 / more interesting links
IPv6-HowTo for Linux by Peter Bieringer - Germany, and his Bieringer / IPv6 - software archive
Linux+IPv6 status by Peter Bieringer - Germany (going obsolete)
DeepSpace6 / IPv6 Status Page - Italy (Mirror) (will superseed upper one)
USAGI project - Japan, and their USAGI project - software archive
Linux Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) IPv6 HOWTO
PLD Linux Distribution (“market leader” in containing IPv6 enabled packages)
For more see the IPv6+Linux Status Distributions page.
WIDE project - Japan
SWITCH IPv6 Pilot - Switzerland
IPv6 Corner of Hubert Feyrer - Germany
IPv6 Forum - a world-wide consortium of leading Internet vendors, Research & Education Networks... / IPv6 Info Page - maintained by Robert Hinden, Nokia. Get any information about IPv6, from overviews, through RFCs & drafts, to implementations (including availability of stacks on various platforms & source code for IPv6 stacks).
6INIT - IPv6 Internet Initiative - an EU Fifth Framework Project under the IST Programme.
6init - IPv6 INternet IniTiative
IPv6: The New Version of the Internet Protocol, by Steve Deering.
IPv6: The Next Generation Internet Protocol, by Gary C. Kessler.
internet || site and internet2 Working Group - Presentation (HTML + PPT) from IPv6 Workshops: (Stateless Autoconfiguration, IPv6 Addressing, USAGI, Provider Independent IPv6 Addressing and other topics).
NetworkWorldFusion: Search / Doc Finder: searched for IPv6 (102 documents found 22.12.2002)
The Register (Search for IPv6 will result in 30 documents, 22.12.2002)
Klingon IPv6 tools, Klingon IPv6 tools (native IPv6 only access): IPv6 firewall examples, bandwith testing and portscanner
Something missing? Suggestions are welcome!
A Tale of Two Wireless Technology Trends: Processor Development Outsourcing and IPv6Yankee Group - 4/1/2002 - 12 Pages - ID: YANL768881
The World Atlas of the Internet: Americas; IDATE - 2/1/2002 - 242 PAges - ID: IDT803907. Countries covered: Central America, North America, South America; List: Price: $ 3,500.00; excerpt: Panorama of Internet access markets across the globe. Market assessment and forecasts up to 2006 for 34 countries: market structure: main ISPs and market shares; number of subscribers, of ISPs.
Early Interest Rising for IPv6 by IDC (Author); List Price: $1,500.00; Edition: e-book (Acrobat Reader); Publisher: IDC; ISBN B000065T8E; (March 1, 2002)
Canadian Patent Database: Home, Search (Basic Search, just enter IPv6 in the search field ;-); 84 documents found 22.12.2002)
Espacenet - European patent information: National Offices, Members of Espacenet(IPv6: 84 documents, 22.12.2002)
Delphion Research: Patent Search Page. Basic (free) registration needed. Examples found 21.12.2002 searching for IPv6: Communicating method between IPv4 terminal and IPv6 terminal and IPv4-IPv6 converting apparatus Translator for IP networks, network system using the translator, and IP network coupling method therefor IST IPv6 Cluster, European IPv6 Research and Development Projects
Euro6IX: European IPv6 Internet Exchanges Backbone
IPv6@IKNnet and MIPv6 Research Group: TU Vienna, Austria (IPv6: project, publications, diploma / doctor thesis, Conference Proceedings etc.)
Carl's Australian IPv6 Pages (old content)
Renater: Renater IPv6 Project Page
Project6: IPv6 networking with Linux
Yamaha IPv6 (sorry, all in japanese native ...)
ETRI: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institut
IPv6 Forum Korea: Korean IPv6 Deployment Project
IPv6 Mexico (spain & english version): IPv6 Project Hompeage of The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
SURFnet: SURFnet IPv6 Backbone
STACK, STACK (IPv6): Students' computer association of the Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland collaboration between WiseGuys and Intouch
IPv6 Forum for Russia: Yaroslavl State University Internet Center
SWITCH: The Swiss Education & Research Network
British Telecom IPv6 Home: BT's ISP IPv6 Trial, UK's first IPv6 Internet Exchange etc.
KAME project (*BSD)
BUGAT - BSD Usergroup Austria - FreeBSD IPv6 Tunnel (German language)
IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software, File 2 of 3: Aug 2002 -- Table of Contents: IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software; Configuring Documentation Specifics; Enabling IPv6 Routing and Configuring; IPv6 Addressing; Enabling IPv6 Processing Globally.
Cisco Internet Networking Handbook, Chapter IPv6
IPv6 at Compaq - Presentations, White Papers, Documentation...
Now that IBM's announced the availability of z/OS V1.4, what's new in this release? This question was posed on 15 August 2002
MSRIPv6 - Microsoft Research Network - IPv6 Homepage
Getting Started with the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000
Internet Connection Firewall Does Not Block Internet Protocol Version 6 Traffic (6.11.2001)
Internet Protocol Numbers (8.10.2002)
IPv6 Technology Preview Refresh (16.10.2002)
HOW TO: Install and Configure IP Version 6 in Windows .NET Enterprise Server (26.10.2002)
Windows .NET Server 6to4 Router Service Quits When You Advertise a 2002 Address on the Public Interface (28.10.2002)
msdn - search for IPv6 (100 results, 22.12.2002)
IpInfusion's ZebOS Server Routing Software
Internet Security Systems: Security Center, X-Force Database Search (21.12.2002 - 6 topics found relating to IPv6)
NIST IPsec Project ( National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST) (search for IPv6) (Articles, exploits, files database etc.)
Freshmeat / IPv6 search, currently (14 Dec 2002) 62 projects
Wireshark (former known as Ethereal) is a free network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows
Radcom RC100-WL - Download Radcom RC100-WL protocol analyzer version 3.20
6wind - solutions for IPv4/IPv6 Router, QoS, Multicast, Mobility, Security/VPN/Firewall.
Fefe's patches for IPv6 with djbdnsAug 2002 -- What is djbdns and why does it need IPv6? djbdns is a full blown DNS server which outperforms BIND in nearly all respects.