3.3. Advanced PHP HardeningWhen every little bit of additional security counts, you can resort to modifying PHP. In this section, I present two approaches: one that uses PHP extension capabilities to change its behavior without changing the source code, and another that goes all the way and modifies the PHP source code to add an additional security layer. 3.3.1. PHP 5 SAPI Input HooksIn PHP, S API stands for Server Abstraction Application Programming Interface and is a part of PHP that connects the engine with the environment it is running in. One SAPI is used when PHP is running as an Apache module, a second when running as a CGI script, and a third when running from the command line. Of interest to us are the three input callback hooks that allow changes to be made to the way PHP handles script input data:
The input_filter hook is the most useful of all three. A new implementation of this hook can be added through a custom PHP extension and registered with the engine using the sapi_register_input_filter( ) function. The PHP 5 distribution comes with an input filter example (the file README.input_filter also available at http://cvs.php.net/co.php/php-src/README.input_filter), which is designed to strip all HTML markup (using the strip_tags( ) function) from script parameters. You can use this file as a starting point for your own extension. A similar solution can be implemented without resorting to writing native PHP extensions. Using the auto_prepend_file configuration option to prepend input sanitization code for every script that is executed will have similar results in most cases. However, only the direct, native-code approach works in the following situations:
3.3.2. Hardened-PHPHardened-PHP (http://www.hardened-php.net) is a project that has a goal of remedying some of the shortcomings present in the mainstream PHP distribution. It's a young and promising project led by Stefan Esser. At the time of this writing the author was offering support for the latest releases in both PHP branches (4.x and 5.x). Here are some of the features this patch offers:
Patches to the mainstream distributions can be difficult to justify. Unlike the real thing, which is tested by many users, patched versions may contain not widely known flaws. To be safe, you should at least read the patch code casually to see if you are confident in applying it to your system. Hopefully, some of the features provided by this patch will make it back into the main branch. The best feature of the patch is the additional protection against remote code execution. If you are in a situation where you cannot disable remote code inclusion (via allow_url_fopen), consider using this patch. ![]() |