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set aNum to 10 + 3.14

Return value

An integer if the left-hand operator is an integer and the right-hand operand is either an integer or can be coerced to an integer; a real if either operand is a real; a date if the left-hand operand is a date object


This operator is used to add two operands together or to add time to a date value. It is also used in scientific notation to denote a real that is greater than or equal to 10,000.0, as in 1.0E+9 (this number is one billion; see the description of the real value type in Chapter 3). The addition operator is not used to concatenate two strings (& is responsible for that); neither does AppleScript provide anything like a ++ operator. The following is an example statement for incrementing a numerical variable in AppleScript:

set aNum to aNum + 1

Here are some examples of adding time to dates.


set mydate to (date "Saturday, January 1, 2000 12:00:00 AM")¬

+ 1000 (* adds one thousand seconds to the date *)

set mydate to (date "Saturday, January 1, 2000 12:00:00 AM") + (30 *¬ days)

(* adds 30 days to the date (you can also use the constants minutes, hours, or 

weeks) *)
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