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set mybool to ({"apples","oranges","peaches"} contains "peaches")

(* returns true *)

Return value

boolean; true or false


The contains operator can take lists, records, or strings as operands. You can use this operator to search for an item in a list, a record, or a part of the string. If the operand to the right of the contains operator is of a different type than the left operand, then AppleScript attempts to coerce the second operand to the class of the first one. This is an operator to get to know well. A lot of commands return lists, strings, and records; contains is a very useful tool for finding certain values within these value types.

You cannot use contains directly to search the contents of a folder, but there is a workaround for this task. The example in this section illustrates returning a list with a command and then using the contains operator to search the list. You can use contains to search a record too:

{name:"Bruce W.", state:"MA"} contains {name:"Bruce W."}


tell application "Finder"

   tell folder "new images"

      set fJpgs to files whose name contains ".jpg" (* returns list of jpeg 

files, if any *)

   if length of fJpgs > 0 then (* if the list is not empty then display  

count of jpegs *)

      display dialog ((length of fJpgs) as string)

   end if

   end tell

end tell
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