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tell app "Finder" to get every file of extensions folder


Using the every syntax returns a list of items in a container, such as files in a folder, words in a document, or cells in a database record. You can get the equivalent return value by dropping the every keyword and making the object plural, as in words of document 1. This statement returns a value of type list whose items are all the words from document 1. You have to check an application's dictionary, however, to make sure that the plural form is allowed for the particular object.

The every form is very useful for grabbing the property values of a group of objects and storing them in a single list. Telling the Finder to:

get physical size of every file in extensions folder


get physical size of files in extensions folder

returns the amount of disk space in bytes that each extensions folder file is taking up.


tell app "FileMaker Pro" to get cells of current record (* returns a list 

containing the values in each column of the currently active record or row in 

an open database *)

tell app "FileMaker Pro" to get name of every cell of current record 

(* returns the field names for the currently active database *)
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