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repeat until end [repeat]


Repeat until trueBoolean

   (* code statements *)

end repeat


This form of repeat takes the until keyword and a boolean expression, as in: repeat until countVar is true. The statements that are contained within repeat until...end repeat will continue to execute until the boolean conditional expression is true. If the expression following until is true, the repeat loop is terminated and execution resumes with the statement following end repeat. You could also exit this repeat loop using the exit statement (see exit). Note that when repeat until encounters a true value, the loop is immediately ended; its enclosed statements are not executed.


This AppleScript shows a repeat until statement that also contains an exit statement:

set theCount to 0

repeat until (theCount = 5)

   if theCount = 4 then exit repeat

   set theCount to theCount + 1

   log theCount

end repeat

This code increments a theCount integer variable by one with each cycle through the loop. The code includes a simple if statement that exits the repeat loop once the theCount variable reaches 4. Without the exit statement, the variable would reach 5; the expression: theCount = 5 would return true, and the repeat until loop would terminate. We keep track of the value of theCount with a log theCount statement. This displays all of the theCount values in Script Editor's Event Log window.

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