The earlier examples used embedded speech
commands like "[[ emph - ]]," which
de-emphasizes the pronunciation of the word following the command.
These embedded commands give the scripter more control over how the
voice sounds when it reads text, such as the volume and emphasis of
syllables. The commands are delimited by two pairs of opening and
closing brackets ("[[ ]]"). Most of
the commands have parameters. For instance, the emphasis command
("emph") has a plus (+) or minus
(-) parameter that either gives greater or less emphasis to the word
following the command. The following web site contains more
information on embedded speech commands:
- [[ char LTRL ]]
If you use the LTRL parameter, then the speech synthesizer will read
every letter, number, and space separately rather than the words
themselves. It reads the words normally if you use NORM as the
- [[ cmnt here is a comment ]]
Use this syntax to enter comments in the speech code. The speech
synthesizer will not read the comments text.
- [[ emph - ]]
This command de-emphasizes or emphasizes (e.g., [[ emph +
]]) the word that follows the command.
- [[ inpt PHON ]]
This command determines whether the speech synthesizer speaks the
text in normal text mode or phoneme mode. Phonemic mode spells words
as they sound, as in "Maykael"
rather than "Michael." If you use
[[ inpt PHON ]] then the speech synthesizer will
use phonemic mode. The command [[ inpt TEXT ]] is
the default.
- [[ nmbr LTRL ]]
This command determines the number-speaking mode of the speech
synthesizer. The syntax example would read the code say [[
nmbr NORM ]] 500 as
"five hundred"; whereas the code
say [[ nmbr LTRL ]] 500 would be read as
"five zero zero."
- [[ pbas +1 ]]
The baseline pitch command makes the voice higher or lower. If you
use a + or - symbol with the real number parameter
(in a range from 1.0 to 127.0), the pitch is adjusted relative to its
current value.
- [[ pmod +1]]
The pitch modulation command also changes the sound attributes of the
computer voice. If you use a + or - symbol with the
real number parameter (in a range from 0.0 to
127.0), the modulation is adjusted relative to its current value.
- [[ rate +50]]
The speech rate determines how fast the text is read. For
example, [[ rate +50 ]] speeds up the speech
synthesizer's reading of text. The rate number
parameter falls between 0.0 and 65535.999, a range that equates to 50
to 500 words per minute.
- [[ rset ]]
Use the reset command to reset the voice attributes back to their
default values.
- [[ slnc 500 ]]
The silence command causes a speech delay for parameter number of
milliseconds (there are 1,000 milliseconds in a second). So if you
want two seconds of silence followed by the word
"heaven," you could use the code
say "[[ slnc 2000 ]] heaven".
- [[ volm +0.5 ]]
The speech volume command adjusts the voice's volume
(how loud it is) in a range from 0.0 to 1.0. If you precede the
parameter with a + or - symbol, the volume is adjusted based on its
current value.