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Calculates the projection of a complex number on the Riemann sphere

#include <complex.h>
double complex cproj ( double complex z  );
float complex cprojf ( float complex z  );
long double complex cprojl ( long double complex z  );

The Riemann sphere is a surface that represents the entire complex plane and one point for infinity. The cproj( ) function yields the representation of a complex number on the Riemann sphere. The value of cproj(z) is equal to z, except in cases where the real or complex part of z is infinite. In all such cases, the real part of the result is infinity, and the imaginary part is zero with the sign of the imaginary part of the argument z.


double complex z = -INFINITY - 2.7 * I;

double complex c = cproj(z);
printf("%.2f %+.2f * I is projected to %.2f %+.2f * I.\n",
       creal(z), cimag(z), creal(c), cimag(c));

This code produces the following output:

-inf -2.70 * I is projected to inf -0.00 * I.

See Also

cabs( ), cimag( ), creal( ), carg( ), conj( )

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