Performs integer division, returning quotient and remainder
#include <stdlib.h>
div_t div (int dividend , int divisor );
ldiv_t ldiv ( long dividend , long divisor );
lldiv_t lldiv ( long long dividend , long long divisor ); (C99)
The div( ) functions divide an integer dividend by an integer divisor, and return the integer part of the quotient along with the remainder in a structure of two integer members named quot and rem. div( ) obtains the quotient and remainder in a single machine operation, replacing both the / and % operations. The header file stdlib.h defines this structure for the various integer types as follows:
typedef struct { int quot; int rem; } div_t;
typedef struct { long int quot; long int rem; } ldiv_t;
typedef struct { long long int quot; long long int rem; } lldiv_t;
int people, apples;
div_t share;
for ( apples = -3 ; apples < 6 ; apples += 3 )
if ( apples == 0 )
continue; // Don't bother dividing up nothing.
for ( people = -2 ; people < 4 ; people += 2 )
if ( people == 0 )
continue; // Don't try to divide by zero.
share = div( apples, people );
printf( "If there are %+i of us and %+i apples, "
"each of us gets %+i, with %+i left over.\n",
people, apples, share.quot, share.rem );
As the output of the preceding code illustrates, any nonzero remainder has the same sign as the dividend:
If there are -2 of us and -3 apples, each of us gets +1, with -1 left over.
If there are +2 of us and -3 apples, each of us gets -1, with -1 left over.
If there are -2 of us and +3 apples, each of us gets -1, with +1 left over.
If there are +2 of us and +3 apples, each of us gets +1, with +1 left over.
See Also
imaxdiv( ), remainder( )