Tests an expression #include <assert.h> void assert ( int expression ); The assert( ) macro evaluates a given expression and aborts the program if the result is 0 (that is, false). In this case, assert( ) also prints a message on stderr, indicating the name of the program, and the source file, line number, and function in which the failing assert( ) call occurs: program: file:line: function: Assertion 'expression' failed. If the value of expression is TRue (that is, nonzero), assert( ) does nothing and the program continues. Use assert( ) during development to guard against logical errors in your program. When debugging is complete, you can instruct the preprocessor to suppress all assert( ) calls by defining the symbolic constant NDEBUG. Exampleint units_in_stock = 10; int units_shipped = 9; /* ... */ units_shipped++; units_in_stock--; /* ... */ units_in_stock -= units_shipped; assert(units_in_stock >= 0); This code produces the following output: inventory: inventory.c:110: main: Assertion `units_in_stock >= 0' failed. Aborted. See Alsoexit( ), _Exit( ), raise( ), abort( ) ![]() |