Both of us want to thank Jonathan Gennick, our editor, for originally bringing us together and starting us off on this book, and for all his guidance along the way. We also thank our technical reviewers, Matt Crawford, David Kitabjian, and Chris LaPre, for their valuable criticism of our manuscript, and we're grateful to our production editor, Abby Fox, for all her attention to making our book look good.
I would like to thank Tony first of all for the excellent collaboration. My heartfelt thanks also go to all my friends for the understanding they showed again and again when I had so little time for them. Last but not least, I dedicate this book to my daughters, Vivian and Jeanetteboth of them now students of computer sciencewho strengthened my ambition to carry out this book project.
I have enjoyed working on this book as a very rewarding exercise in teamwork. I thank Peter for letting me take all the space I could fill in this project. The opportunity to work with my brother Matt in the review phase was particularly gratifying.