Hack 21. Make Yourself Anonymous
Don't let anyone know that you're on the Web. Here are some ways to reduce the amount of information that web sites and other onlookers find out about you. 2.12.1. Basic Web Surfing StrategiesIf you want maximum privacy, follow all of these rules:
If having a known IP address or a known IP subnet bothers you, consider using services such as Anonymizer (http://www.anonymizer.com) for maximum anonymity. Before using such services, you must first persuade yourself that they are an organization that will credibly protect your privacy. You are using them as a portal for all your activities, after all. 2.12.2. Firefox Changes to Support AnonymityIn addition to careful web surfing, here are some concrete changes you can make to Firefox:
Finally, you can fool web sites into thinking you're using another browser. If you do so, the content set by the sites might change and the page display might not be exactly what you expected. This preference changes the User Agent that identifies Firefox: general.useragent.override /* set to string */ A typical string for a Windows version of Firefox reads: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinXP; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10.1 For best results, leave the words Mozilla and Gecko intact. Here's the string for Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP (you can masquerade as that browser if you have nothing better to do): Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) ![]() |