How This Book Is Organized
Firefox Hacks is divided into nine chapters,
organized by subject:
- Chapter 1, Firefox Basics
This chapter covers beginner end-user features, without attempting to
reproduce the Firefox Help system. It's a brief tour
of the browser from a number of different user perspectives.
- Chapter 2, Security
This chapter covers the security arrangements that affect how Firefox
interacts with the Web. It describes how to raise and lower security
in a number of different ways.
- Chapter 3, Installation
This chapter explains how to install Firefox your way, rather than
the standard way. It provides installation tactics suitable for a
number of lifestyles and organizational settings.
- Chapter 4, Web Surfing Enhancements
This chapter explains how to make Firefox work harder for you as an
information-gathering tool.
- Chapter 5, Power Tools for Web Developers
This chapter examines Firefox as a testing and development tool for
web page design. Web developers love Firefox.
- Chapter 6, Power XML for Web Pages
This chapter is for more advanced web application projects, where
programming or medium-weight XML technology is needed. It describes
how to connect content to XML standards and code.
- Chapter 7, Hack the Chrome Ugly
This chapter looks under the hood of the Firefox installation and
finds that with only a drop of programming energy, you can make major
changes to the browser.
- Chapter 8, Hack the Chrome Cleanly
This chapter explains how to properly prepare fancy Firefox
enhancements, such as extensions and themes.
- Chapter 9, Work More Closely with Firefox
Firefox is a complex tool and a building block of the Web. If you
hope to modify that building block to suit yourself, then
you'll need help getting started. This chapter
describes how to connect to the core technology and the people
already involved in its development.