7.3. Google AdWords
On the flipside of the AdSense coin, you'll find
Google AdWords
the fount from which those ads are
drawn. AdWords is an advertiser base 150,000 strong, from
mom-and-pops to Fortune 500s, all looking to make their presence
known and wares available alongside Google search results.
And in true Google style, AdWords is different from just about every
advertising service you've ever seen.
There's virtually no price barrier; anyone with a
few marketing dollars in their pocket can buy a few keywords.
It's so simple that even the most inexperienced
marketer can get a leg up. That said, there's a lot
to AdWords, and its simplicity can be deceptive.
This book, being focused on cool hacks, tools, and techniques,
doesn't attempt a comprehensive introduction to
Google's advertising programs. For a comprehensive
introduction and detailed treatment, pick up a copy of
Google: The Missing Manual
O'Reilly) by Sarah Milstein and Rael Dornfest.