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Get Ready to Google!

With all these preliminaries out of the way, it's now time to get started. While I recommend reading the book in consecutive order, that isn't completely necessary, as each part of Google exists independently of the other parts; just as it's okay to skip around through Google's various products and services, it's also okay to skip around through the various chapters in this book.

In addition, I urge you to move outside the Google universe from time to time and visit my personal website, located at Here you'll find more information on this book and other books I've writtenincluding an errata page for this book, in the inevitable event that an error or two creeps into this text. (Hey, nobody's perfect!)

Finally, you need to know that writing about Google is like shooting at a moving targetthe folks at the Googleplex are always adding new features and services. To that end, it's a given that there will be new information about Google available by the time you read these words. (That's life in cyberspace.) That's why I suggest you check out the e-Books online at, where you'll find a number of short online books about Google's very latest features. These e-Books are the best way to supplement the information found in this bookand stay up-to-date on everything that Google has to offer.

So get ready to turn the page and learn more about using the Google family of sites. I know you'll discover features you haven't noticed before, and hopefully become a more effective searcher.

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