Hack 71 Bridge Two Infobots 
Combining the knowledge of infobots running on
different servers is a useful way of sharing information between two
are one of the more popular "fun"
IRC bots out there. Usually, they are set up so that they create
their own database of information nuggets—known as
monitoring conversations in channels. You can also add, delete, and
update factoids manually. An infobot configured like this quickly
turns into a "community memory,"
storing hard-to-remember facts like birthdays, email addresses, and
references to past embarrassments concerning the members of the IRC
community it serves. In this hack, we'll look at how
to allow two communities to access each other's
memories, by bridging two infobots on different servers.
Let's say that there are two infobots, called
Norfolk and Dipsy. Norfolk and Dipsy are connected to different IRC
servers. Imagine that the owners of Norfolk want Dipsy to appear on
their channel too. What they need is a "bridge
bot" on their channel that will be called
"Dipsy" on their server, but that
will connect to the second server under a different name and talk to
the real Dipsy off-channel. Of course, there's no
reason that different name can't be
"Norfolk," assuming the name is
free on the second server. In this case, the bridge bot can be
completely symmetrical, sitting on-channel next to Dipsy on the
second server and querying the real Norfolk off-channel on the
original server. Both channels now appear to have both bots sitting
on them.
Note that regardless of how the real infobots are set up, the
"dummy" bots will respond only if
directly addressed in a channel, like so.
dipsy: what is the meaning of life?
The format of infobot responses to on-channel and off-channel
messages is slightly different, so the bridging
isn't always going to be perfect.
There's nothing in this hack that is
infobot-specific, so it should work with any two bots that respond to
off-channel messages in the same way as on-channel ones, or even with
real people.
Don't forget to tell the two infobots to ignore
their new companions, or they will end up flooding the channels!
The bridge bot can be implemented in a particularly elegant fashion
with Java by creating two instances of the same PircBot-based class
and making each instance a member class of the other.
11.5.1 The Code
bridge bot lives in
BridgeBot.java and makes use of the PircBot
package to connect to IRC servers. Note the getName() accessor method is used to get the current name of a bot.
import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
public class BridgeBot extends PircBot {
public BridgeBot otherBot;
public String channelName;
public BridgeBot(String name, String channelName) {
otherBot = this;
this.channelName = channelName;
// Handle on-channel messages.
public void onMessage(String channel, String sender,
String login, String hostname, String message) {
if (!sender.equals(getName( )) && message.startsWith(getName( ))) {
// Pass the message on to the real version of this bot.
otherBot.sendMessage(getName( ), message);
// Handle off-channel messages
public void onPrivateMessage(String sender, String login,
String hostname, String message) {
if (!sender.equals(getName( )) && sender.equals(otherBot.getName( ))) {
// Make the otherBot send a message to its channel.
otherBot.sendMessage(otherBot.channelName, message);
To kick the bridge bot into life, you will need to create a main
method that creates two instances of the BridgeBot
class. You could place this main method in a new file,
BridgeBotMain.java. After each bridge bot is
instantiated, it is supplied with a reference to the other BridgeBot
object to allow messages to be passed
public class BridgeBotMain {
// Configuration settings for each BridgeBot.
public static final String firstServerName = "ircserver.domain.com";
public static final String firstBotName = "Norfolk";
public static final String firstChannel = "#channel1";
public static final String secondServerName = "ircserver.anotherdomain.com";
public static final String secondBotName = "Dipsy";
public static final String secondChannel = "#channel2";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
BridgeBot firstBot = new BridgeBot(firstBotName, firstChannel);
BridgeBot secondBot = new BridgeBot(secondBotName, secondChannel);
// Supply each BridgeBot with a reference to its partner.
firstBot.otherBot = secondBot;
secondBot.otherBot = firstBot;
// Make the bots join servers and channels.
firstBot.channelName = firstChannel;
secondBot.channelName = secondChannel;
11.5.2 Running the Hack
Compile the classes with the javac command:
C:\java\BridgeBot> javac -classpath .;pircbot.jar *.java
Launch the two bots by running the main method in the
BridgeBotMain class:
C:\java\BridgeBot> java -classpath .;pircbot.jar BridgeBotMain
—Steve Jolly