Hack 5 The IRC Model 
If you are totally new to IRC, you may be
wondering where to begin. Understand the conceptual model of Internet
Relay Chat for a good start.
Internet Relay Chat was originally
implemented so that users of bulletin board systems could chat with
one another in real time. It has grown considerably since then, and
thousands of networks of servers are now available for public use.
The IRC protocol is text based, so programs that connect to IRC
servers are easy to write.
2.2.1 Network of Servers
Each IRC network consists of at least
one server. If there is more than one server, they are linked
together to form a spanning tree. A spanning tree is a
structure that allows each server in the network to communicate with
all the other servers in the network, even if there is no direct
connection between them. Because the servers in an IRC network are
connected like this, two users can talk to each other even if they
are using different servers on the same IRC network.
2.2.2 Clients
Anything that connects to an IRC server
that is not another server is called a client. This includes the set
of programs that most people use to chat with each other on IRC. An
IRC client can connect directly to one of the servers on the IRC
network and allow the user to chat with other users on the network.
When a private message is sent to another client, it is sent via the
IRC network, so there is no need for a separate connection to be
Each client that connects to an IRC network must have a unique
nickname. Some servers still enforce a limit of nine characters for
this nickname, but most servers these days allow much longer
nicknames. Nicknames cannot contain spaces or certain punctuation
2.2.3 Channels
Communication on IRC is not limited to just
sending messages between pairs of users. IRC is very strongly
oriented toward the concept of channels. A channel is something
rather analogous to a room, where a group of clients can stay and
chat as a whole. When a message is sent to a channel, all clients in
that channel will receive it. The process of entering a channel is
called joining , and leaving a channel is known as
parting or leaving.
To be strict, parting is the most correct term
for leaving a channel. This is because IRC clients send a
PART message to the server when they want to leave
a channel. However, most IRC clients provide a more natural command
alias that lets you leave a channel.
All channel names are unique and typically prefixed with a
# character. These
channels can be joined by anybody on the
entire IRC network. Other prefixes exist, such as
&, which is used for channels belonging
only to a particular local server. In any case, channel names cannot
contain spaces or commas.
For example, to join the channel #irchacks, you would type:
/join #irchacks
When you are in the #irchacks channel, you can leave it by typing
/part or /leave.
A channel does not actually exist until the first client joins it.
The channel no longer exists after the last client has left. If the
channel is configured to allow external messages, a client can send
messages to the channel without needing to join it. Most channels
disallow this, as it inevitably leads to abuse and confusion.
An individual client can join more than one channel, but for
performance reasons, most servers impose a
limit. When there is a
limit, it is usually set to the recommended value of 10. If within
the limit, a client can usually join any channel, but a couple of
exceptions are worth noting. A channel can be configured to ban
clients that have a nickname or host mask matching a particular
pattern, thus preventing such clients from joining the channel.
Channels can also be set to be "invite
only," which means you must be invited by a user in
the channel before you can join it.
2.2.4 Operators
An operator is a
that has special access to the IRC network. Operators can carry out
maintenance tasks on the
network, such as connecting and
disconnecting other servers in the network. In extreme cases,
operators may exercise their ability to forcibly remove users from
the IRC network. Not only can they disconnect any client, but they
can also prevent that client from reconnecting to the network.
2.2.5 Channel Operators
If you are the first client to join
a channel, you will probably be made a channel operator for that
channel. This allows you to kick other clients out of the channel and
to set the topic if it is protected. If the channel is marked as
"invite only," you can issue
invitations to other clients on the network. A channel operator can
also change the mode of the channel. This lets you do a
variety of tasks including banning certain users from the channel
or making other clients in the channel become channel operators like
you. You can tell if a user is a channel operator, as he will have an
@ character in front of his nickname.
Most users refer to channel operators incorrectly as
"operators," or more informally as