This class applies buffering to a
character input stream, thereby improving the efficiency of character
input. You create a BufferedReader by specifying
some other character input stream from
which it is to buffer input. (You can also specify a buffer size at
this time, although the default size is usually fine.) Typically, you
use this sort of buffering with a FileReader or
BufferedReader defines the standard set of
Reader methods and provides a readLine(
) method that reads a line of text (not including the line
terminator) and returns it as a String.
BufferedReader is the character-stream analog of
BufferedInputStream. It also provides a
replacement for the deprecated readLine(
) method of
DataInputStream, which did not properly convert
bytes into characters.

public class BufferedReader extends Reader {
// Public Constructors
public BufferedReader(Reader in);
public BufferedReader(Reader in, int sz);
// Public Instance Methods
public String readLine( ) throws IOException;
// Public Methods Overriding Reader
public void close( ) throws IOException;
public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException;
public boolean markSupported( ); constant
public int read( ) throws IOException;
public int read(char[ ] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException;
public boolean ready( ) throws IOException;
public void reset( ) throws IOException;
public long skip(long n) throws IOException;