This interface
defines the methods required for
streams that can
read Java primitive data types in a machine-independent binary
format. It is implemented by DataInputStream and
RandomAccessFile. See
DataInputStream for more information on the
public interface DataInput {
// Public Instance Methods
boolean readBoolean( ) throws IOException;
byte readByte( ) throws IOException;
char readChar( ) throws IOException;
double readDouble( ) throws IOException;
float readFloat( ) throws IOException;
void readFully(byte[ ] b) throws IOException;
void readFully(byte[ ] b, int off, int len) throws IOException;
int readInt( ) throws IOException;
String readLine( ) throws IOException;
long readLong( ) throws IOException;
short readShort( ) throws IOException;
int readUnsignedByte( ) throws IOException;
int readUnsignedShort( ) throws IOException;
String readUTF( ) throws IOException;
int skipBytes(int n) throws IOException;
DataInputStream, ObjectInput,
Passed To
DataInputStream.readUTF( )