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Java 1.2comparable

This class represents a named field of a specified type (i.e., a specified Class). When a class serializes itself by writing a set of fields that are different from the fields it uses in its own implementation, it defines the set of fields to be written with an array of ObjectStreamField objects. This array should be the value of a private static field named serialPersistentFields. The methods of this class are used internally by the serialization mechanism and are not typically used elsewhere. See also ObjectOutputStream.PutField and ObjectInputStream.GetField.

Figure 9-41.

public class ObjectStreamField implements Comparable<Object> {
// Public Constructors
     public ObjectStreamField(String name, Class<?> type);  
1.4  public ObjectStreamField(String name, Class<?> type, boolean unshared);  
// Public Instance Methods
     public String getName( );  
     public int getOffset( );  
     public Class<?> getType( );  
     public char getTypeCode( );  
     public String getTypeString( );  
     public boolean isPrimitive( );  
1.4  public boolean isUnshared( );  
// Methods Implementing Comparable
     public int compareTo(Object obj);  
// Public Methods Overriding Object
     public String toString( );  
// Protected Instance Methods
     protected void setOffset(int offset);  

Returned By

ObjectStreamClass.{getField( ), getFields( )}

Type Of


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