Serializable interface defines no methods or
constants. A class should implement this interface simply to indicate
that it allows itself to be serialized and deserialized with
) and
ObjectInputStream.readObject( ).
Objects that need special handling during serialization or
deserialization may implement one or both of the following methods;
note, however, that these methods are not part of the
Serializable interface):
private void writeObject( out) throws IOException;
private void readObject( in) throws IOException,
Typically, the writeObject(
) method performs any necessary cleanup or preparation for
serialization, invokes the defaultWriteObject( )
method of the ObjectOutputStream to serialize the
nontransient fields of the class, and optionally writes any
additional data that is required. Similarly, the readObject(
) method typically invokes the defaultReadObject(
) method of the ObjectInputStream, reads
any additional data written by the corresponding
writeObject( ) method, and performs any extra
initialization required by the object. The readObject(
) method may also register an
ObjectInputValidation object to validate the object once it is
completely deserialized.
public interface Serializable {
Too many classes to list.