This class is a character input stream
that uses a String object as the source of the
characters it returns. When you create a
StringReader, you must specify the
String to read from.
StringReader defines the normal
Reader methods and supports mark(
and reset( ). If
reset( ) is called before mark(
) has been called, the stream is reset to the beginning of
the specified string. StringReader is a character
stream analog to StringBufferInputStream, which is
deprecated as of Java 1.1. StringReader is also
similar to CharArrayReader.

public class StringReader extends Reader {
// Public Constructors
public StringReader(String s);
// Public Methods Overriding Reader
public void close( );
public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException;
public boolean markSupported( ); constant
public int read( ) throws IOException;
public int read(char[ ] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException;
public boolean ready( ) throws IOException;
public void reset( ) throws IOException;
public long skip(long ns) throws IOException;