This class
provides an immutable object wrapper around the
boolean primitive type. Note that the
trUE and FALSE constants are
Boolean objects; they are not the same as the
TRue and false
boolean values. As of Java 1.1, this class defines
a Class constant that represents the
boolean type. booleanValue( )
returns the boolean value of a
Boolean object. The class method
getBoolean( ) retrieves the
boolean value of a named property from the system
property list. The static method valueOf( ) parses
a string and returns the Boolean object it
represents. Java 1.4 added two static methods that convert primitive
boolean values to Boolean and
String objects. In Java 5.0, the
parseBoolean( ) method behaves like
valueOf( ) but returns a primitive
boolean value instead of a
Boolean object.
Prior to Java 5.0, this class does not implement the
Comparable interface.

public final class Boolean implements Serializable, Comparable<Boolean> {
// Public Constructors
public Boolean(String s);
public Boolean(boolean value);
// Public Constants
public static final Boolean FALSE;
public static final Boolean TRUE;
1.1 public static final Class<Boolean> TYPE;
// Public Class Methods
public static boolean getBoolean(String name);
5.0 public static boolean parseBoolean(String s);
1.4 public static String toString(boolean b);
1.4 public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b);
public static Boolean valueOf(String s);
// Public Instance Methods
public boolean booleanValue( );
// Methods Implementing Comparable
5.0 public int compareTo(Boolean b);
// Public Methods Overriding Object
public boolean equals(Object obj);
public int hashCode( );
public String toString( );