interface defines a simple API for read-only access to sequences of
characters. In the core platform it is implemented by the
String, StringBuffer and
java.nio.CharBuffer classes. charAt(
returns the character at a specified position in the sequence.
length( )
returns the number of characters in the sequence.
subSequence( )
returns a CharSequence that consists of the
characters starting at, and including, the specified
start index, and continuing up to, but not
including the specified end index.
Finally, toString( )
returns a String version of the sequence.
Note that CharSequence implementations do not
typically have interoperable equals( ) or
hashCode( ) methods, and it is not usually
possible to compare two CharSequence objects or
use multiple sequences in a set or hashtable unless they are
instances of the same implementing class.
public interface CharSequence {
// Public Instance Methods
char charAt(int index);
int length( );
CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end);
String toString( );
String, StringBuffer,
Passed To
Too many methods to list.
Returned By
String.subSequence( ),
StringBuffer.subSequence( ),
java.nio.CharBuffer.subSequence( )