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Java 1.0

This class describes a process that is running externally to the Java interpreter. Note that a Process is very different from a Thread; the Process class is abstract and cannot be instantiated. Call one of the Runtime.exec( ) methods to start a process and return a corresponding Process object.

waitFor( ) blocks until the process exits. exitValue( ) returns the exit code of the process. destroy( ) kills the process. getErrorStream( ) returns an InputStream from which you can read any bytes the process sends to its standard error stream. getInputStream( ) returns an InputStream from which you can read any bytes the process sends to its standard output stream. getOutputStream( ) returns an OutputStream you can use to send bytes to the standard input stream of the process.

public abstract class Process {
// Public Constructors
     public Process( );  
// Public Instance Methods
     public abstract void destroy( );  
     public abstract int exitValue( );  
     public abstract getErrorStream( );  
     public abstract getInputStream( );  
     public abstract getOutputStream( );  
     public abstract int waitFor( ) throws InterruptedException;  

Returned By

ProcessBuilder.start( ), Runtime.exec( )

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