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5.7. Threads and Concurrency

The Java platform has supported multithreaded or concurrent programming with the Thread class and Runnable interface since Java 1.0. Java 5.0 bolsters that support with a comprehensive set of new utilities for concurrent programming.

5.7.1. Creating, Running, and Manipulating Threads

Java makes it easy to define and work with multiple threads of execution within a program. java.lang.Thread is the fundamental thread class in the Java API. There are two ways to define a thread. One is to subclass THRead, override the run( ) method and then instantiate your Thread subclass. The other is to define a class that implements the Runnable method (i.e., define a run() method) and then pass an instance of this Runnable object to the Thread() constructor. In either case, the result is a THRead object, where the run() method is the body of the thread. When you call the start() method of the THRead object, the interpreter creates a new thread to execute the run() method. This new thread continues to run until the run( ) method exits. Meanwhile, the original thread continues running itself, starting with the statement following the start() method. The following code demonstrates:

final List list; // Some long unsorted list of objects; initialized elsewhere

/** A Thread class for sorting a List in the background */
class BackgroundSorter extends Thread {
  List l;
  public BackgroundSorter(List l) { this.l = l; }    // Constructor
  public void run() { Collections.sort(l); }         // Thread body

// Create a BackgroundSorter thread 
Thread sorter = new BackgroundSorter(list);
// Start it running; the new thread runs the run() method above while 
// the original thread continues with whatever statement comes next. 

// Here's another way to define a similar thread
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {          // Create a new thread
  public void run() { Collections.sort(list); } // to sort the list of objects.
t.start();                                      // Start it running Thread lifecycle

A thread can be in one of six states. In Java 5.0, these states are represented by the THRead.State enumerated type, and the state of a thread can be queried with the getState( ) method. A listing of the Thread.State constants provides a good overview of the lifecycle of a thread:


The Thread has been created but its start( ) method has not yet been called. All threads start in this state.


The thread is running or is available to run when the operating system schedules it.


The thread is not running because it is waiting to acquire a lock so that it can enter a synchronized method or block. We'll see more about synchronized methods and blocks later in this section.


The thread is not running because it has called Object.wait() or Thread.join( ).


The thread is not running because it has called Thread.sleep() or has called Object.wait( ) or Thread.join() with a timeout value.


The thread has completed execution. Its run( ) method has exited normally or by throwing an exception. Thread priorities

Threads can run at different priority levels. A thread at a given priority level does not typically run unless no higher-priority threads are waiting to run. Here is some code you can use when working with thread priorities:

// Set a thread t to lower-than-normal priority

// Set a thread to lower priority than the current thread
t.setPriority(Thread.currentThread().getPriority() - 1);

// Threads that don't pause for I/O should explicitly yield the CPU 
// to give other threads with the same priority a chance to run. 
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
    for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {  // Loop through a bunch of data
      process(data[i]);                     // Process it
      if ((i % 10) == 0)                    // But after every 10 iterations,
        Thread.yield();                     // pause to let other threads run. 
}); Handling uncaught exceptions

A thread terminates normally when it reaches the end of its run( ) method or when it executes a return statement in that method. A thread can also terminate by throwing an exception, however. When a thread exits in this way, the default behavior is to print the name of the thread, the type of the exception, the exception message, and a stack trace. In Java 5.0, you can install a custom handler for uncaught exceptions in a thread. For example:

// This thread just throws an exception
Thread t = new Thread() {
        public void run() {throw new UnsupportedOperationException();}

// Giving threads a name helps with debugging
t.setName("My Broken Thread");

// Here's a handler for the error.  
t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            System.err.printf("Exception in thread %d '%s':" +
                              "%s at line %d of %s%n",
                              t.getId(),    // Thread id
                              t.getName(),  // Thread name
                              e.toString(), // Exception name and message
                              e.getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber(), // line #
                              e.getStackTrace()[0].getFileName());  // filename

5.7.2. Making a Thread Sleep

Often, threads are used to perform some kind of repetitive task at a fixed interval. This is particularly true when doing graphical programming that involves animation or similar effects. The key to doing this is making a thread sleep, or stop running, for a specified amount of time. This is done with the static THRead.sleep( ) method, or, in Java 5.0, with utility methods of enumerated constants of the TimeUnit class:

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;  // utility class

public class Clock extends Thread {
    // This field is volatile because two different threads may access it
    volatile boolean keepRunning = true;
    public Clock() {     // The constructor
        setDaemon(true); // Daemon thread: interpreter can exit while it runs
    public void run() {        // The body of the thread
        while(keepRunning) {   // This thread runs until asked to stop
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();    // Get current time
            System.out.printf("%tr%n", now);          // Print it out
            try { Thread.sleep(1000); }               // Wait 1000 milliseconds
            catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }// Quit on interrupt
    // Ask the thread to stop running.  An alternative to interrupt().
    public void pleaseStop() { keepRunning = false; }
    // This method demonstrates how to use the Clock class
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Clock c = new Clock();                 // Create a Clock thread
        c.start();                             // Start it
        try {  SECONDS.sleep(10); }            // Wait 10 seconds
        catch(InterruptedException ignore) {}  // Ignore interrupts
        // Now stop the clock thread.  We could also use c.interrupt()

Notice the pleaseStop() method in this example: it is designed to stop the clock thread in a controlled way. The example is coded so that it can also be stopped by calling the interrupt() method it inherits from Thread. The THRead class defines a stop() method, but it is deprecated.

5.7.3. Running and Scheduling Tasks

Java provides a number of ways to run tasks asynchronously or to schedule them for future execution without having to explicitly create Thread objects. The following sections illustrate the Timer class added in Java 1.3 and the executors framework of the Java 5.0 java.util.concurrent package. Scheduling tasks with Timer

Added in Java 1.3, the java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask classes make it easy to run repetitive tasks. Here is some code that behaves much like the Clock class shown earlier:

import java.util.*;

// Define the time-display task
TimerTask displayTime = new TimerTask() {
  public void run() { System.out.printf("%tr%n", System.currentTimeMillis()); }
// Create a timer object to run the task (and possibly others)
Timer timer = new Timer();
// Now schedule that task to be run every 1,000 milliseconds, starting now
timer.schedule(displayTime, 0, 1000);

// To stop the time-display task
displayTime.cancel(); The Executor interface

In Java 5.0, the java.util.concurrent package includes the Executor interface. An Executor is an object that can execute a Runnable object. A user of an Executor often does not need to be aware of just how the Executor accomplishes this: it just needs to know that the Runnable will, at some point, run. Executor implementations can be created to use a number of different threading strategies, as the following code makes clear. (Note that this example also demonstrates the use of a BlockingQueue.)

import java.util.concurrent.*;

/** Execute a Runnable in the current thread. */
class CurrentThreadExecutor implements Executor {
    public void execute(Runnable r) {; }

/** Execute each Runnable using a newly created thread */
class NewThreadExecutor implements Executor {
    public void execute(Runnable r) { new Thread(r).start(); }

 * Queue up the Runnables and execute them in order using a single thread
 * created for that purpose. 
class SingleThreadExecutor extends Thread implements Executor {
    BlockingQueue<Runnable> q = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>();

    public void execute(Runnable r) {
        // Don't execute the Runnable here; just put it on the queue.
        // Our queue is effectively unbounded, so this should never block.
        // Since it never blocks, it should never throw InterruptedException.
        try { q.put(r); }
        catch(InterruptedException never) { throw new AssertionError(never); }

    // This is the body of the thread that actually executes the Runnables
    public void run() {
        for(;;) {                   // Loop forever
            try {
                Runnable r = q.take();  // Get next Runnable, or wait
      ;                // Run it!
            catch(InterruptedException e) {
                // If interrupted, stop executing queued Runnables.

These sample implementations help demonstrate how an Executor works and how it separates the notion of executing a task from the scheduling policy and threading details of the implementation. It is rarely necessary to actually implement your own Executor, however, since java.util.concurrent provides the flexible and powerful THReadPoolExecutor class. This class is typically used via one of the static factory methods in the Executors class:

Executor oneThread = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); // pool size of 1
Executor fixedPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); // 10 threads in pool
Executor unboundedPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // as many as needed

In addition to these convenient factory methods, you can also explicitly create a ThreadPoolExecutor if you want to specify a minimum and maximum size for the thread pool or want to specify the queue type (bounded, unbounded, priority-sorted, or synchronized, for example) to use for tasks that cannot immediately be run by a thread. ExecutorService

If you've looked at the signature for ThreadPoolExecutor or for the Executors factory methods cited above, you'll see that it is an ExecutorService . The ExecutorService interface extends Executor and adds the ability to execute Callable objects. Callable is something like a Runnable. Instead of encapsulating arbitrary code in a run() method, however, a Callable puts that code in a call() method. call( ) differs from run() in two important ways: it returns a result, and it is allowed to throw exceptions.

Because call() returns a result, the Callable interface takes the result type as a parameter. A time-consuming chunk of code that computes a large prime number, for example, could be wrapped in a Callable<BigInteger>:

import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;

/** This is a Callable implementation for computing big primes. */
public class RandomPrimeSearch implements Callable<BigInteger> {
    static Random prng = new SecureRandom();  // self-seeding
    int n;
    public RandomPrimeSearch(int bitsize) { n = bitsize; }
    public BigInteger call() { return BigInteger.probablePrime(n, prng); }

You can invoke the call( ) method of any Callable object directly, of course, but to execute it using an ExecutorService, you pass it to the submit() method. Because ExecutorService implementations typically run tasks asynchronously, the submit() method cannot simply return the result of the call( ) method. Instead, submit() returns a Future object. A Future is simply the promise of a result sometime in the future. It is parameterized with the type of the result, as shown in this code snippet:

// Try to compute two primes at the same time
ExecutorService threadpool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
Future<BigInteger> p = threadpool.submit(new RandomPrimeSearch(512));
Future<BigInteger> q = threadpool.submit(new RandomPrimeSearch(512));

Once you have a Future object, what can you do with it? You can call isDone() to see if the Callable has finished running. You can call cancel() to cancel execution of the Callable and can call isCancelled() to see if the Callable was canceled before it completed. But most of the time, you simply call get( ) to get the result of the call( ) method. get() blocks, if necessary, to wait for the call( ) method to complete. Here is code you might use with the Future objects shown above:

BigInteger product = p.get().multiply(q.get());

Note that the get() method may throw an ExecutionException. Recall that ) can throw any kind of exception. If this happens, the Future wraps that exception in an ExecutionException and throws it from get(). Note that the Future.isDone() method considers a Callable to be "done," even if the call( ) method terminated abnormally with an exception. ScheduledExecutorService

ScheduledExecutorService is an extension of ExecutorService that adds Timer-like scheduling capabilities. It allows you to schedule a Runnable or Callable to be executed once after a specified time delay or to schedule a Runnable for repeated execution. In each case, the result of scheduling a task for future execution is a ScheduledFuture object. This is simply a Future that also implements the Delay interface and provides a geTDelay( ) method that can be used to query the remaining time before execution of the task.

The easiest way to obtain a ScheduledExecutorService is with factory methods of the Executors class. The following code uses a ScheduledExecutorService to repeatedly perform an action and also to cancel the repeated action after a fixed interval.

 * Print random ASCII characters at a rate of cps characters per second
 * for a total of totalSeconds seconds.
public static void spew(int cps, int totalSeconds) {
    final Random rng = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    final ScheduledExecutorService executor = 
    final ScheduledFuture<?> spewer = 
        executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    System.out.print((char)(rng.nextInt('~' - ' ') + ' '));
                                     0, 1000000/cps, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
    executor.schedule(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                      totalSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

5.7.4. Exclusion and Locks

When using multiple threads, you must be very careful if you allow more than one thread to access the same data structure. Consider what would happen if one thread was trying to loop through the elements of a List while another thread was sorting those elements. Preventing this kind of unwanted concurrency is one of the central problems of multithreaded computing. The basic technique for preventing two threads from accessing the same object at the same time is to require a thread to obtain a lock on the object before the thread can modify it. While any one thread holds the lock, another thread that requests the lock has to wait until the first thread is done and releases the lock. Every Java object has the fundamental ability to provide such a locking capability.

The easiest way to keep objects threadsafe is to declare all sensitive methods synchronized. A thread must obtain a lock on an object before it can execute any of its synchronized methods, which means that no other thread can execute any other synchronized method at the same time. (If a static method is declared synchronized, the thread must obtain a lock on the class, and this works in the same manner.) To do finer-grained locking, you can specify synchronized blocks of code that hold a lock on a specified object for a short time:

// This method swaps two array elements in a synchronized block
public static void swap(Object[] array, int index1, int index2) {
  synchronized(array) {
    Object tmp = array[index1];
    array[index1] = array[index2];
    array[index2] = tmp;

// The Collection, Set, List, and Map implementations in java.util do
// not have synchronized methods (except for the legacy implementations
// Vector and Hashtable). When working with multiple threads, you can
// obtain synchronized wrapper objects. 
List synclist = Collections.synchronizedList(list);
Map syncmap = Collections.synchronizedMap(map); The java.util.concurrent.locks package

Note that when you use the synchronized modifier or statement, the lock you acquire is block-scoped, and is automatically released when the thread exits the method or block. The java.util.concurrent.locks package in Java 5.0 provides an alternative: a Lock object that you explicitly lock and unlock. Lock objects are not automatically block-scoped and you must be careful to use TRy/finally constructs to ensure that locks are always released. On the other hand, Lock enables algorithms that are simply not possible with block-scoped locks, such as the following "hand-over-hand" linked list traversal:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;  // New in Java 5.0

 * A partial implementation of a linked list of values of type E.
 * It demonstrates hand-over-hand locking with Lock
public class LinkList<E> {
    E value;                // The value of this node of the list
    LinkList<E> rest;       // The rest of the list
    Lock lock;              // A lock for this node

    public LinkList(E value) {  // Constructor for a list
        this.value = value;          // Node value
        rest = null;                 // This is the only node in the list
        lock = new ReentrantLock();  // We can lock this node

     * Append a node to the end of the list, traversing the list using
     * hand-over-hand locking. This method is threadsafe: multiple threads
     * may traverse different portions of the list at the same time.
    public void append(E value) {
        LinkList<E> node = this;  // Start at this node
        node.lock.lock();         // Lock it.

        // Loop 'till we find the last node in the list
        while( != null) {
            LinkList<E> next =;

            // This is the hand-over-hand part.  Lock the next node and then
            // unlock the current node.  We use a try/finally construct so
            // that the current node is unlocked even if the lock on the
            // next node fails with an exception.
            try { next.lock.lock(); }  // lock the next node
            finally { node.lock.unlock(); } // unlock the current node
            node = next;

        // At this point, node is the final node in the list, and we have
        // a lock on it.  Use a try/finally to ensure that we unlock it.
        try {
   = new LinkList<E>(value); // Append new node
        finally { node.lock.unlock(); }
} Deadlock

When you are using locking to prevent threads from accessing the same data at the same time, you must be careful to avoid deadlock, which occurs when two threads end up waiting for each other to release a lock they need. Since neither can proceed, neither one can release the lock it holds, and they both stop running. The following code is prone to deadlock. Whether or not a deadlock actually occurs may vary from system to system and from execution to execution.

// When two threads try to lock two objects, deadlock can occur unless
// they always request the locks in the same order.
final Object resource1 = new Object();   // Here are two objects to lock
final Object resource2 = new Object();
Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {  // Locks resource1 then resource2
  public void run() {
    synchronized(resource1) { 
      synchronized(resource2) { compute(); }

Thread t2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {  // Locks resource2 then resource1
  public void run() {
    synchronized(resource2) { 
      synchronized(resource1) { compute(); }

t1.start();  // Locks resource1
t2.start();  // Locks resource2 and now neither 
thread can progress!

5.7.5. Coordinating Threads

It is common in multithreaded programming to require one thread to wait for another thread to take some action. The Java platform provides a number of ways to coordinate threads, including methods built into the Object and Thread classes, as well as "synchronizer" utility classes introduced in Java 5.0. wait( ) and notify()

Sometimes a thread needs to stop running and wait until some kind of event occurs, at which point it is told to continue running. This is done with the wait() and notify( ) methods. These aren't methods of the Thread class, however; they are methods of Object. Just as every Java object has a lock associated with it, every object can maintain a list of waiting threads. When a thread calls the wait() method of an object, any locks the thread holds are temporarily released, and the thread is added to the list of waiting threads for that object and stops running. When another thread calls the notifyAll( ) method of the same object, the object wakes up the waiting threads and allows them to continue running:

import java.util.*;

 * A queue. One thread calls push() to put an object on the queue. 
 * Another calls pop() to get an object off the queue. If there is no
 * data, pop() waits until there is some, using wait()/notify(). 
 * wait() and notify() must be used within a synchronized method or
 * block. In Java 5.0, use a java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue instead.
public class WaitingQueue<E> {
    LinkedList<E> q = new LinkedList<E>();  // Where objects are stored
    public synchronized void push(E o) {
        q.add(o);         // Append the object to the end of the list
        this.notifyAll(); // Tell waiting threads that data is ready
    public synchronized E pop() {
        while(q.size() == 0) {
            try { this.wait(); }
            catch (InterruptedException ignore) {}
        return q.remove(0);

Note that such a class is not necessary in Java 5.0 because java.util.concurrent defines the BlockingQueue interface and general-purpose implementations such as ArrayBlockingQueue. Waiting on a Condition

Java 5.0 provides an alternative to the wait() and notifyAll( ) methods of Object. java.util.concurrent.locks defines a Condition object with await() and signalAll() methods. Condition objects are always associated with Lock objects and are used in much the same way as the locking and waiting capability built into each Java object. The primary benefit is that it is possible to have more than one Condition for each Lock, something that is not possible with Object-based locking and waiting. Waiting for a thread to finish

Sometimes one thread needs to stop and wait for another thread to complete. You can accomplish this with the join( ) method:

List list;  // A long list of objects to be sorted; initialized elsewhere

// Define a thread to sort the list: lower its priority, so it runs only 
// when the current thread is waiting for I/O and then start it running. 
Thread sorter = new BackgroundSorter(list);               // Defined earlier
sorter.setPriority(Thread.currentThread.getPriority()-1); // Lower priority
sorter.start();                                           // Start sorting

// Meanwhile, in this original thread, read data from a file
byte[] data = readData();  // Method defined elsewhere

// Before we can proceed, we need the list to be fully sorted, so
// we must wait for the sorter thread to exit, if it hasn't already. 
try { sorter.join(); } catch(InterruptedException e) {} Synchronizer utilities

java.util.concurrent includes four " synchronizer" classes that help to synchronize the state of a concurrent program by making threads wait until certain conditions hold:


The Semaphore class models semaphores, a traditional concurrent programming construct. Conceptually, a semaphore represents one or more "permits." A thread that needs a permit calls acquire( ) and then calls release() when done with it. acquire() blocks if no permits are available, suspending the thread until another thread releases a permit.


A latch is conceptually any variable or concurrency construct that has two possible states and transitions from its initial state to its final state only once. Once the transition occurs, it remains in that final state forever. CountDownLatch is a concurrency utility that can exist in two states, closed and open. In its initial closed state, any threads that call the await( ) method block and cannot proceed until it transitions to its latched open state. Once this transition occurs, all waiting threads proceed, and any threads that call await() in the future will not block at all. The transition from closed to open occurs when a specified number of calls to countDown() have occurred.


An Exchanger is a utility that allows two threads to rendezvous and exchange values. The first thread to call the exchange( ) method blocks until a second thread calls the same method. When this happens, the argument passed to the exchange() method by the first thread becomes the return value of the method for the second thread and vice-versa. When the two exchange() invocations return, both threads are free to continue running concurrently. Exchanger is a generic type and uses its type parameter to specify the type of values to be exchanged.


A CyclicBarrier is a utility that enables a group of N threads to wait for each other to reach a synchronization point. The number of threads is specified when the CyclicBarrier is first created. Threads call the await( ) method to block until the last thread calls await( ), at which point all threads resume again. Unlike a CountDownLatch, a CyclicBarrier resets its count and is ready for immediate reuse. CyclicBarrier is useful in parallel algorithms in which a computation is decomposed into parts, and each part is handled by a separate thread. In such algorithms, the threads must typically rendezvous so that their partial solutions can be merged into a complete solution. To facilitate this, the CyclicBarrier constructor allows you to specify a Runnable object to be executed by the last thread that calls await( ) before any of the other threads are woken up and allowed to resume. This Runnable can provide the coordination required to assemble a solution from the threads computations or to assign a new computation to each of the threads.

5.7.6. Thread Interruption

In the examples illustrating the sleep( ), join(), and wait( ) methods, you may have noticed that calls to each of these methods are wrapped in a TRy statement that catches an InterruptedException. This is necessary because the interrupt() method allows one thread to interrupt the execution of another. The outcome of an interrupt depends on how you handle the InterruptedException. The response that is usually preferred is for an interrupted thread to stop running. On the other hand, if you simply catch and ignore the InterruptedException, an interrupt simply stops a thread from blocking.

If the interrupt( ) method is called on a thread that is not blocked, the thread continues running, but its "interrupt status" is set to indicate that an interrupt has been requested. A thread can test its own interrupt status by calling the static Thread.interrupted() method, which returns TRue if the thread has been interrupted and, as a side effect, clears the interrupt status. One thread can test the interrupt status of another thread with the instance method isInterrupted( ), which queries the status but does not clear it.

If a thread calls sleep( ), join(), or wait() while its interrupt status is set, it does not block but immediately throws an InterruptedException (the interrupt status is cleared as a side effect of throwing the exception). Similarly, if the interrupt( ) method is called on a thread that is already blocked in a call to sleep( ), join(), or wait(), that thread stops blocking by throwing an InterruptedException.

One of the most common times that threads block is while doing input/output; a thread often has to pause and wait for data to become available from the filesystem or from the network. (The,, and java.nio APIs for performing I/O operations are discussed later in this chapter.) Unfortunately, the interrupt() method does not wake up a thread blocked in an I/O method of the package. This is one of the shortcomings of that is cured by the New I/O API in java.nio. If a thread is interrupted while blocked in an I/O operation on any channel that implements java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel, the channel is closed, the thread's interrupt status is set, and the thread wakes up by throwing a java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException. The same thing happens if a thread tries to call a blocking I/O method while its interrupt status is set. Similarly, if a thread is interrupted while it is blocked in the select( ) method of a java.nio.channels.Selector (or if it calls select( ) while its interrupt status is set), select( ) will stop blocking (or will never start) and will return immediately. No exception is thrown in this case; the interrupted thread simply wakes up, and the select() call returns.

5.7.7. Blocking Queues

As noted in Section 5.6.5 earlier in this chapter, a queue is a collection in which elements are inserted at the "tail" and removed at the "head." The Queue interface and various implementations were added to java.util as part of Java 5.0. java.util.concurrent extends the Queue interface: BlockingQueue defines put() and take( ) methods that allow you to add and remove elements of the queue, blocking if necessary until the queue has room, or until there is an element to be removed. The use of blocking queues is a common pattern in multithreaded programming: one thread produces objects and places them on a queue for consumption by another thread which removes them from the queue.

java.util.concurrent provides five implementations of BlockingQueue:


This implementation is based on an array, and, like all arrays, has a fixed capacity established when it is created. At the cost of reduced throughput, this queue can operate in a "fair" mode in which threads blocking to put() or take( ) an element are served in the order in which they arrived.


This implementation is based on a linked-list data structure. It may have a maximum size specified, but, by default, it is essentially unbounded.


This unbounded queue does not implement FIFO (first-in, first-out) ordering. Instead, it orders its elements based on a specified Comparator object, or based on their natural ordering if they are Comparable objects and no Comparator is specified. The element returned by take() is the smallest element according to the Comparator or Comparable ordering. See also java.util.PriorityQueue for a nonblocking version.


A DelayQueue is like a PriorityBlockingQueue for elements that implement the Delayed interface. Delayed is Comparable and orders elements by how long they are delayed. But DelayQueue is more than just an unbounded queue that sorts its elements. It also restricts take( ) and related methods so that elements cannot be removed from the queue until their delay has elapsed.


This class implements the degenerate case of a BlockingQueue with a capacity of zero. A call to put() blocks until some other thread calls take( ), and a call to take( ) blocks until some other thread calls put().

5.7.8. Atomic Variables

The java.util.concurrent.atomic package contains utility classes that permit atomic operations on fields without locking. An atomic operation is one that is indivisible: no other thread can observe an atomic variable in the middle of an atomic operation on it. These utility classes define get() and set( ) accessor methods that have the properties of volatile fields but also define compound operations such as compare-and-set and get-and-increment that behave atomically. The code below demonstrates the use of AtomicInteger and contrasts it with the use of a traditional synchronized method:

// The count1(), count2() and count3() methods are all threadsafe.  Two
// threads can call these methods at the same time, and they will never
// see the same return value.
public class Counters {
    // A counter using a synchronized method and locking
    int count1 = 0;
    public synchronized int count1() { return count1++; }

    // A counter using an atomic increment on an AtomicInteger
    AtomicInteger count2 = new AtomicInteger(0);
    public int count2() { return count2.getAndIncrement(); }

    // An optimistic counter using compareAndSet()
    AtomicInteger count3 = new AtomicInteger(0);
    public int count3() {
        // Get the counter value with get() and set it with compareAndSet().
        // If compareAndSet() returns false, try again until we get 
        // through the loop without interference.
        int result;
        do { 
            result = count3.get();
        } while(!count3.compareAndSet(result, result+1));
        return result;

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