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The <application> element declares replacements for various pluggable classes for the application. The top-level nested elements can be declared in any order.
















The <action-listener> element contains the fully qualified class name for a class implementing the javax.faces.event.ActionListener interface, used as the default ActionListener for the application:




The <default-render-kit> element contains identifier for a default render kit to use instead of the JSF HTML basic render kit:


The <message-bundle> element contains base name for the message resource bundle containing custom message texts for the JSF standard messages (see the java.util.ResourceBundle JavaDocs and Chapter 7 for details):


The <navigation-handler> element contains the fully qualified class name for a customized javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler class:




The <view-handler> element contains the fully qualified class name for a customized javax.faces.application.ViewHandler class:




The <state-manager> element contains the fully qualified class name for a customized javax.faces.application.StateManager class




The <property-resolver> element contains the fully qualified class name for a customized javax.faces.el.PropertyResolver class:




The <variable-resolver> element contains the fully qualified class name for a customized javax.faces.el.VariableResolver class:




The <locale-config> element contains one optional <default-locale> element declaring the default locale for the application and any number of <supported-locale> elements declaring additional supported locales. A locale is specified as a language code, optionally followed by a country code, optionally followed by a variant, with the pieces separated by a dash or an underscore:





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