D.2 Package javax.faces.application
A single instance of a
subclass of this
abstract class per application creates instances of pluggable
application classes or the default class if no customized version is
Class name:
- public Application()
Creates an instance.
- public abstract void addComponent(String componentType, String componentClassName)
Registers a mapping between a component type ID and a component
implementation class name.
- public abstract void addConverter(Class targetClass, String converterClassName)
Registers a mapping between a Class and a
Converter implementation class name.
- public abstract void addConverter(String converterId, String converterClassName)
Registers a mapping between a converter ID and a
Converter implementation class name.
- public abstract void addValidator(String validatorId, String converterClassName)
Registers a mapping between a validator ID and a
Validator implementation class name.
- public abstract javax.faces.component.UIComponent
- createComponent(String componentType) throws javax.faces.FacesException
Returns a new instance of the UIComponent class
registered for the component type ID.
- public abstract javax.faces.component.UIComponent createComponent(javax.faces.el.ValueBinding componentBinding, javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String componentType) throws javax.faces.el.FacesException
Calls the ValueBinding getValue(
) method. If it returns a UIComponent
instance, returns it. Otherwise, creates an instance of the class
registered for the component type ID, calls the
ValueBinding setValue() with
the component instance, and returns the component instance.
- public abstract javax.faces.convert.Converter createConverter(Class targetClass) throws javax.faces.el.FacesException
Returns a new instance of the Converter class
registered for the target Class.
- public abstract javax.faces.convert.Converter createConverter(String converterId) throws javax.faces.el.FacesException
Returns a new instance of the Converter class
registered for the converter ID.
- public abstract javax.faces.el.MethodBinding createMethodBinding(String expr, Class[] params) throws javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException
Returns a new MethodBinding instance for a method
represented by the method binding expression with a signature
matching the provided parameter list or that takes no parameters if
the parameter list is null or an empty array.
- public abstract javax.faces.validator.Validator createValidator(String validatorId)
Returns a new instance of the Validator class
registered for the validator ID.
- public abstract javax.faces.el.ValueBinding createValueBinding(String expr) throws javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException
Returns a new ValueBinding instance for
representing the EL expression.
- public abstract javax.faces.event.ActionListener getActionListener()
Returns an instance of the default ActionListener
instance used for ActionSource components within
the application. If no custom version is registered, returns an
instance that invokes the component's action
MethodBinding invoke() method,
the applications NavigationHandler
handleNavigation() method with the action methods
outcome, and the FacesContext
renderResponse() method.
- public abstract java.util.Iterator getComponentTypes()
Returns an Iterator over all registered component
type IDs.
- public abstract java.util.Iterator getConverterIds()
Returns an Iterator over all registered converter
- public abstract java.util.Iterator getConverterTypes()
Returns an Iterator over all
Class instances for which a
Converter is registered.
- public abstract java.util.Locale getDefaultLocale()
Returns the default Locale for this application.
- public abstract String getDefaultRenderKitId()
Returns the default render kit ID for this application.
- public abstract String getMessageBundle()
Returns the base name for the custom message bundle for this
- public abstract javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler getNavigationHandler()
Returns the NavigationHandler for this application.
- public abstract javax.faces.el.PropertyResolver getPropertyResolver()
Returns the PropertyResolver for this application.
- public abstract javax.faces.application.StateManager getStateManager()
Returns the StateManager for this application.
- public abstract java.util.Iterator getSupportedLocales()
Returns an Iterator over the supported
Locales registered for the application.
- public abstract java.util.Iterator getValidatorIds()
Returns an Iterator over all registered validator
- public abstract javax.faces.el.VariableResolver getVariableResolver()
Returns the VariableResolver for this application.
- public abstract javax.faces.application.ViewHandler getViewHandler()
Returns the ViewHandler for this application.
- public abstract setActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener listener)
Registers the default ActionListener to use for
all ActionSource components within this
- public abstract setDefaultLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
Registers the default Locale for this application.
- public abstract setDefaultRenderKitId(String renderKitId)
Registers the default render kit ID for this application.
- public abstract setMessageBundle(String baseName)
Registers the base name for the resource bundle that must be
consulted in addition to the implementation's
message resource bundle for this application.
- public abstract setNavigationHandler(javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler nh)
Registers a custom NavigationHandler for this
- public abstract setPropertyResolver(javax.faces.el.PropertyResolver pr)
Registers a custom PropertyResolver for this
- public abstract setStateManager(javax.faces.application.StateManager sm)
Registers a custom StateManager for this
- public abstract setSupportedLocales(java.util.Collection locales)
Registers all Locale instances supported in
addition to the default locale for this application.
- public abstract setVariableResolver(javax.faces.el.VariableResolver vr)
Registers a custom VariableResolver for this
- public abstract setViewHandler(javax.faces.application.ViewHandler vh)
Registers a custom ViewHandler for this
An instance of a subclass of
this abstract
class is a factory for the Application instance
for an application.
Class name:
- public ApplicationFactory()
Creates an instance.
- public abstract javax.faces.application.Application getApplication()
Returns the Application instance for this
application, which is either an explicitly registered instance or an
instance of the default class.
- public abstract setApplication(javax.faces.application.Application)
Registers an Application instance for this
This class is the base class for all
specific message subclasses. The messages created by a JSF
implementation contain localized text for the
Locale returned by the
UIViewRoot getLocale() method
from the resource bundle with the base name returned by the
Application getMessageBundle()
or the bundle with the base name defined by the
FACES_MESSAGES constant, searched in that order.
Class name:
- public static final String FACES_MESSAGES
The base name for the standard messages resource bundle:
- public static final FacesMessage.Serverity SEVERITY_ERROR
The severity level value for error messages.
- public static final FacesMessage.Serverity SEVERITY_FATAL
The severity level value for fatal error messages.
- public static final FacesMessage.Serverity SEVERITY_INFO
The severity level value for informational messages.
- public static final FacesMessage.Serverity SEVERITY_WARN
The severity level value for warning messages.
- public FacesMessage()
Creates an empty instance.
- public FacesMessage(FacesMessage.Severity severity, String summary, String detail)
Creates an instance with the specified severity, summary, and detail
- public FacesMessage(String summary)
Creates an instance with the specified summary text.
- public FacesMessage(String summary, String detail)
Creates an instance with the specified summary and detail texts.
- public String getDetail()
Returns the detail text or the summary text if no detail text is
- public FacesMessage.Severity getSeverity()
Returns the severity level.
- public String getSummary()
Returns the summary text or null if no summary
text is defined.
- public void setDetail(String detail)
Sets the detail text.
- public void setSeverity(FacesMessage.Severity severity)
Sets the severity level.
- public void setSummary(String summary)
Sets the summary text.
Instances of this nested class
severity levels for FacesMessage instances. All
instances are created by the FacesMessage class
and made available through public final static fields, with ordinal
values in the order SEVERITY_INFO,
Class name:
- public int compareTo(Object other)
Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this
object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
- public int getOrdinal()
Returns the ordinal value for this instance.
- public String toString()
Returns a String representation of this instance.
An instance of a subclass of this
abstract class is
invoked to handle navigation to different view based on the outcome
of an action method. The default implementation behavior is described
in Chapter 9.
Class name:
- public NavigationHandler()
Creates an instance.
- public abstract void handleNavigation(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
- String fromAction, String outcome)
Selects a new view (or sends a response and calls the
FacesContext responseComplete(
) method) based on the provided information about the
method binding expression for the action method and the action
An instance of a subclass of
this abstract class
is invoked to save and restore the state for a view, typically in
cooperation with an instance of the
javax.faces.render.ResponseStateManager for
client-side state saving.
Class name:
- public static final String STATE_SAVING_METHOD_CLIENT
The client-side choice value for the state-saving method selection
context initialization parameter: client.
- public static final String STATE_SAVING_METHOD_PARAM
The name of the state-saving selection context initialization
parameter: javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD.
- public static final String STATE_SAVING_METHOD_SERVER
The server-side choice value for the state-saving method selection
context initialization parameter: server.
- public StateManager()
Creates an instance.
- protected abstract Object getComponentStateToSave(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Returns a Serializable object representing the
state of all components and their attached objects.
- protected abstract Object getTreeStructureToSave(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Returns a Serializable object representing the
component tree structure, i.e., the parent-child relationship for all
components and facets in the view.
- public boolean isSavingStateInClient()
Returns true if the
STATE_SAVING_METHOD_PARAM context initialization
parameter has the value
- protected abstract void restoreComponentState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot viewRoot, String renderKitId)
Restores the state of all components in the view being restored.
- protected abstract void restoreView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String viewId, String renderKitId)
Restores the view by calling the restoreTreeStructure(
) and restoreComponentState() methods.
- public abstract javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot restoreTreeStructure(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String viewId, String renderKitId)
Restores the component tree structure for the view being restored.
- public abstract StateManager.SerializedView saveSerializedView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Returns the StateManager.SerializedView for the
view, created from the objects created by the
getComponentStateToSave() and
getTreeStructureToSave() methods.
- public abstract void writeState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, StateManager.SerializedView state)
Saves the view state, by calling the
ResponseStateManager writeState(
) method if isSavingStateInClient()
returns true; otherwise in any manner that allows
the state to be restored by the restoreView()
StateManager.SerializedView | |
An instance of this nested class
represents the
saved state for a view.
Class name:
- public Object getState()
Returns the state for the components in the view.
- public Object getStructure()
Returns the component tree structure for the view.
An instance of a subclass of
abstract class is invoked to create a view for a view ID, render the
view and save and restore the state for a view, typically in
cooperation with an instance of the
It's the main class for a presentation layer
technology. See Chapter 15 for details.
Class name:
- public static final String CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY
The name of a session scope variable that holds the character
encoding used for the previous response:
- public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX
The default suffix for the resource that represents a view, used
together with extension mapping for the
FacesServlet: .jsp.
- public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME
The name of the default suffix declaration context initialization
parameter: javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX.
- public ViewHandler()
Creates an instance.
- public abstract java.util.Locale
- calculateLocale(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Returns the Locale to use for this view. The
default implementation returns the first supported locale (including
the default locale) that best matches the locales in the
Accept-Language header or the default locale if
none matches. If no default locale is defined, it returns the default
locale for the Java environment.
- public abstract String calculateRenderKitId(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Returns the render kit ID to use for this view. The default
implementation returns the value returned by Application
getDefaultRenderKitId( ) or the value defined by the
RenderKitFactory.HTML_BASIC_RENDER_KIT field if
there's no default render kit defined for the
- public abstract javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot createView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String viewId)
Returns the UIViewRoot for the identified view,
possibly populated with a complete component tree, with the
UIViewRoot locale and
renderKitId properties initialized.
- public abstract String getActionURL(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String viewId)
Returns the URL matching the specified view ID, encoded by calling
ExternalContext encodeActionURL(
- public abstract String getResourceURL(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String path)
Returns the URL matching the specified path, encoded by calling
ExternalContext encodeResourceURL(
). The default implementation prepends the context path to
the specified path if it starts with a slash, i.e., converting a
context-relative path to the absolute path a browser needs to locate
the resource.
- public abstract void renderView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot viewRoot)
Renders the components in the specified view.
- public abstract void renderView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot viewRoot)
Renders the components in the specified view.
- public abstract javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot restoreView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, String viewId)
Returns the restored UIViewRoot for the identified
view or null if there's no state
available for the view.
- public abstract void writeState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Writes the state to the response with the help from the
StateManager writeState()
method or mark where the state needs to be written later.