13.3 Packaging Custom Classes
JSF merges the definitions found
in multiple faces-config.xml files. When a JSF
application starts, the implementation looks for
faces-config.xml files in this order:
All JAR file resources in the web application's
ServletContext resource paths (in the reverse
order of which they are returned by the
ServletContext getResourcePaths(
) method) are scanned for files named
META-INF/faces-config.xml. A comma-separated list of context-relative paths defined by the
javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES context parameter in the
web.xml file. The WEB-INF/faces-config.xml file.
This algorithm allows developers of custom classes to bundle them in
JAR files with their declarations, making installation as easy as
dropping the JAR file into the WEB-INF/lib
directory. Because the WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
file is considered last, you can override all configuration setting
for a specific application in this file. Factory classes can be
declared in additional files. See Appendix D for details.