Chapter 8. Handling Events
When the user clicks a button or link, changes a value in a field, or
makes a selection in a list, the application may need to react. JSF
user interface components signal user actions by firing an event
handled by application code that has registered itself to be notified
of the event. It's a model borrowed from traditional
GUI frameworks, making it easy to develop and maintain the code for
each specific user action in a separate code module. You can even use
multiple event handling modules for different aspects of the
processing, such as one that logs the action and another that acts on
On the surface, the JSF model looks the same as the event model used
for standalone applications, but there's a twist:
with JSF, the user actions take place in a client (e.g., a browser)
that has no permanent connection to the server, so the delivery of
some types of event is delayed until a new connection is established
(e.g., when the user submits a form). To deal with this difference,
JSF defines a strict request processing lifecycle, where events are
generated and handled in different phases.
In this chapter, we first look at the event model and how it relates
to the request processing lifecycle to understand
what's going on. We then implement event handling
for parts of the sample application.