About the Examples
This book contains many examples that demonstrate useful techniques
for dealing with requirements common to most JSF-based web
applications. The code for all the examples is contained within the
text and is also available for download from the
O'Reilly web site at http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/jsvrfaces/.
You can also download the example code, ask me questions, and more at
The examples use features of the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
specifications, even though the JSF specification depends on the
previous versions of these specifications: Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2. I
use the latest specifications, released in November 2003, because
they make life so much easier in many areas, and I expect them to be
supported by the major Java web containers by the time you read this
book (or shortly thereafter). All examples have been tested with the
official JSF 1.0 reference implementation on Windows ME and Linux
(Red Hat Linux 7.2) using Sun's Java 2 SDK, Standard
Edition (1.4.2) and Tomcat 5.0.18.