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Manipulating Memory Areas

The kernel often has to find whether any memory areas in a process address space match a given criteria, such as whether a given address exists in a memory area. These operations are frequent, and form the basis of the mmap() routine, which is covered in the next section. A handful of helper functions are defined to assist these jobs.

These functions are all declared in <linux/mm.h>.


The find_vma() function is defined in mm/mmap.c.

The function searches the given address space for the first memory area whose vm_end field is greater than addr. In other words, this function finds the first memory area that contains addr or begins at an address greater than addr. If no such memory area exists, the function returns NULL. Otherwise, a pointer to the vm_area_struct structure is returned. Note that because the returned VMA may start at an address greater than addr, the given address does not necessarily lie inside the returned VMA. The result of the find_vma() function is cached in the mmap_cache field of the memory descriptor. Because of the probability of an operation on one VMA being followed by more operations on that same VMA, the cached results have a decent hit rate (about 3040% in practice). Checking the cached result is quick. If the given address is not in the cache, you must search the memory areas associated with this memory descriptor for a match. This is done via the red-black tree:

struct vm_area_struct * find_vma(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
        struct vm_area_struct *vma = NULL;

        if (mm) {
                vma = mm->mmap_cache;
                if (!(vma && vma->vm_end > addr && vma->vm_start <= addr)) {
                        struct rb_node *rb_node;

                        rb_node = mm->mm_rb.rb_node;
                        vma = NULL;
                        while (rb_node) {
                                struct vm_area_struct * vma_tmp;

                                vma_tmp = rb_entry(rb_node,
                                                   struct vm_area_struct, vm_rb); 
                                if (vma_tmp->vm_end > addr) {
                                        vma = vma_tmp;
                                        if (vma_tmp->vm_start <= addr)
                                        rb_node = rb_node->rb_left;
                                } else
                                        rb_node = rb_node->rb_right;
                        if (vma)
                                mm->mmap_cache = vma;

        return vma;

The initial check of mmap_cache tests whether the cached VMA contains the desired address. Note that simply checking whether the VMA's vm_end field is bigger than addr would not ensure that this is the first such VMA that is larger than addr. Thus, for the cache to be useful here, the given addr must lie in the VMAthankfully, this is just the sort of scenario in which consecutive operations on the same VMA would occur.

If the cache does not contain the desired VMA, the function must search the red-black tree. If the current VMA's vm_end is larger than addr, the function follows the left child; otherwise, it follows the right child. The function terminates as soon as a VMA is found that contains addr. If such a VMA is not found, the function continues traversing the tree and returns the first VMA it found that starts after addr. If no VMA is ever found, NULL is returned.


The find_vma_prev() function works the same as find_vma(), but it also returns the last VMA before addr. The function is also defined in mm/mmap.c and declared in <linux/mm.h>:

struct vm_area_struct * find_vma_prev(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr,
                                      struct vm_area_struct **pprev)

The pprev argument stores a pointer to the VMA preceding addr.


The find_vma_intersection() function returns the first VMA that overlaps a given address interval. The function is defined in <linux/mm.h> because it is inline:

static inline struct vm_area_struct *
find_vma_intersection(struct mm_struct *mm,
                      unsigned long start_addr,
                      unsigned long end_addr)
        struct vm_area_struct *vma;

        vma = find_vma(mm, start_addr);
        if (vma && end_addr <= vma->vm_start)
                vma = NULL;
        return vma;

The first parameter is the address space to search, start_addr is the start of the interval, and end_addr is the end of the interval.

Obviously, if find_vma() returns NULL, so would find_vma_intersection(). If find_vma() returns a valid VMA, however, find_vma_intersection() returns the same VMA only if it does not start after the end of the given address range. If the returned memory area does start after the end of the given address range, the function returns NULL.

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