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The ability to standardize and automate your enterprise OS installs is critical for doing business effectively. Red Hat/Fedora Core allows you to add value by allowing detailed customization of automated enterprise installs with open ended, open source tools such as syslinux/isolinux/anaconda and general networking protocols such as NFS, HTTP, and FTP that together form the backbone of kickstart-based technology.

By leveraging common protocols such as FTP, HTTP, NFS, kickstart allows you perform your own custom, stock, LAN, or even Internet-based OS installs from just about anywhere in the world. The key to making it work for you and keeping it manageable is in the departmental planning, work, and maintenance that goes into the ks.cfg files for your various OS install target platforms. Kickstart is just the tool by which you are able to execute these corporation-wide technical strategies.

Team LiB
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