1.3. Overview of MySQL ABMySQL AB is the company of the MySQL founders and main developers. MySQL AB was originally established in Sweden by David Axmark, Allan Larsson, and Michael "Monty" Widenius. We are dedicated to developing the MySQL database software and promoting it to new users. MySQL AB owns the copyright to the MySQL source code, the MySQL logo and (registered) trademark, and this manual. See Section 1.4, "Overview of the MySQL Database Management System." The MySQL core values show our dedication to MySQL and Open Source. These core values direct how MySQL AB works with the MySQL server software:
These are the core values of the company MySQL AB and its employees:
The MySQL Web site (http://www.mysql.com/) provides the latest information about MySQL and MySQL AB. By the way, the "AB" part of the company name is the acronym for the Swedish "aktiebolag," or "stock company." It translates to "MySQL, Inc." In fact, MySQL, Inc. and MySQL GmbH are examples of MySQL AB subsidiaries. They are located in the United States and Germany, respectively. |