Creating Groups
Groups are created using the GROUP BY clause in your SELECT statement. The best way to understand this is to look at an example:
• Input
SELECT vend_id, COUNT(*) AS num_prods
FROM products
GROUP BY vend_id;
• Output
| vend_id | num_prods |
| 1001 | 3 |
| 1002 | 2 |
| 1003 | 7 |
| 1005 | 2 |
• Analysis
The above SELECT statement specifies two columns, vend_id, which contains the ID of a product's vendor, and num_prods, which is a calculated field (created using the COUNT(*) function). The GROUP BY clause instructs MySQL to sort the data and group it by vend_id. This causes num_prods to be calculated once per vend_id rather than once for the entire table. As you can see in the output, vendor 1001 has 3 products listed, vendor 1002 has 2 products listed, vendor 1003 has 7 products listed, and vendor 1005 has 2 products listed.
Because you used GROUP BY, you did not have to specify each group to be evaluated and calculated. That was done automatically. The GROUP BY clause instructs MySQL to group the data and then perform the aggregate on each group rather than on the entire result set.
Before you use GROUP BY, here are some important rules about its use that you need to know:
GROUP BY clauses can contain as many columns as you want. This enables you to nest groups, providing you with more granular control over how data is grouped. If you have nested groups in your GROUP BY clause, data is summarized at the last specified group. In other words, all the columns specified are evaluated together when grouping is established (so you won't get data back for each individual column level). Every column listed in GROUP BY must be a retrieved column or a valid expression (but not an aggregate function). If an expression is used in the SELECT, that same expression must be specified in GROUP BY. Aliases cannot be used. Aside from the aggregate calculations statements, every column in your SELECT statement should be present in the GROUP BY clause. If the grouping column contains a row with a NULL value, NULL will be returned as a group. If there are multiple rows with NULL values, they'll all be grouped together. The GROUP BY clause must come after any WHERE clause and before any ORDER BY clause.
Using ROLLUP To obtain values at each group and at a summary level (for each group), use the WITH ROLLUP keyword, as seen here:
SELECT vend_id, COUNT(*) AS num_prods
FROM products