Team Fly 

Page 293

Project 8-3 Using Simple Queries

In this project, we will be querying for a specific XML document and then updating it.

Step by Step

1. Log into SQL*Plus.

2. At the SQL> prompt, enter the long command, set long 10000, and then press ENTER.

3. At the SQL> prompt, enter the long command, set pagesize 80, and then press ENTER.

4. Enter the following SQL query:

      SQL> select extractvalue(value(c),'/customer/telephone')
        2 from xcustomer c
        3 where existsnode(value(c),'/customer/name = ''Chris Smith"') = 1

5. Again, when you see the SQL prompt, enter the forward slash (/) to execute it:

      SQL> /
      123 555-1234

6. Enter the following SQL query to change the telephone number to 888 555-1234:

      update xcustomer c
      set value(c) = updateXML(value(c), '/customer/telephone/text()','888 555-1234')
      where existsnode(value(c),'/customer/name = "Chris Smith"') = 1

7. See if your data has changed by entering the following query.

      SQL> select extract(value(c), 'customer')
        2  from XCUSTOMER c
        3 where existsnode(value(c),'/customer/name = " Chris Smith "') = 1
        4 /

You should now see output similar to the following on your screen:

        <name>Chris Smith</name>
        <address>116 Main street
      Big City
        <telephone>888 555-1234</telephone>
Team Fly 
0312-Project 8-3 Using Simple Queries