Team Fly 

Page 297

Image Chapter 8 Mastery Check

1. XML stands for Extensible __________ Language.

2. XML documents are in what type of data structure?

A. Relational

B. Hierarchy

C. Free format text

3. What is the notation used when querying XML documents, which is implemented with Oracle Database 10g?

4. What is a well-formed XML document?

5. Using the existsnode() function within a SQL query should return what value if the node exists?

A. 0

B. 2

C. 99

D. 1

6. Of the following four methods listed, which is used to store XML documents in Oracle XML DB?



C. Java

D. All the above

7. What is used to ensure that an XML document is valid?

8. What is the defined data type that is used to store XML documents in Oracle Database 10g?

9. When using xmlagg() function to build an XML type, what SQL clause must it be accompanied by?

Team Fly