Team Fly 

Page 39

Use Simple where Clauses

Up to now, you have seen how the select command can be used to retrieve records from a table. However, our basic examples have all retrieved every record from the table. If you want to see only certain rows, you must add a where clause.

Since our previous examples returned every record in the table, we created a simple table with a few rows in it for illustration purposes. Had we chosen to illustrate the select command against the large sample tables provided by Oracle, we would have returned thousands of rows—far too many for listing in this chapter. Now that we are introducing the where clause, we will be able to control the output. As a result, the remaining examples in this chapter will now use the customers, products, sales, and costs tables that are part of the Oracle sample database. Let's describe each of these tables.

SQL> desc customers;
 Name                                     Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- -------------------
 CUST_ID                                  NOT NULL NUMBER
 CUST_FIRST_NAME                          NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)
 CUST_LAST_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40)
 CUST_GENDER                              NOT NULL CHAR(1)
 CUST_YEAR_OF_BIRTH                       NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
 CUST_MARITAL_STATUS                               VARCHAR2(20)
 CUST_STREET_ADDRESS                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40)
 CUST_POSTAL_CODE                         NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 CUST_CITY                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 CUST_CITY_ID                             NOT NULL NUMBER
 CUST_STATE_PROVINCE                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40)
 COUNTRY_ID                               NOT NULL NUMBER
 CUST_INCOME_LEVEL                                 VARCHAR2(30)
 CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT                                 NUMBER
 CUST_EMAIL                                        VARCHAR2(30)
 CUST_TOTAL                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(14)
 CUST_TOTAL_ID                            NOT NULL NUMBER
 CUST_SRC_ID                                       NUMBER  
 CUST_EFF_FROM                                     DATE
 CUST_EFF_TO                                       DATE
 CUST_VALID                                        VARCHAR2(1)

SQL> desc products; 
 Name                                     Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- -------------------
 PROD_ID                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(6)
 PROD_NAME                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)
Team Fly 
0058-CRITICAL SKILL 2.3 Use Simple where Clauses