Team Fly 

Page 44

    101798 CT                                                   15000
    103171 CT                                                   15000
    102579 CT                                                   15000
    102238 CT                                                   15000
    101515 CT                                                   15000
    103007 UT                                                   15000
    104381 CT                                                   15000
9 rows selected.

The where Clause with a Pattern Search

The like command exists within Oracle to search for records that match a pattern. The wildcard operator for pattern searches is the % sign. To search for all customers whose last name begins with the letter Q, the following query would produce these results:

SQL> select cust_last_name, cust_credit_limit
  2  from   customers
  3  where  cust_last_name like 'Q%';
CUST_LAST_NAME                           CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT
---------------------------------------- -----------------
Quinlan                                               9000
Quinn                                                11000

You could also ask Oracle to retrieve customers whose last names contain ''inl" by using the wildcard at the beginning and end of the pattern search. The query and output would resemble the following:

SQL> select cust_last_name
  2  from   customers
  3  where  cust_last_name like '%inl%';

The where Clause: Common Operators

As you can see from the preceding examples, Oracle has a very powerful set of operators when it comes to restricting the rows retrieved. Table 2-2 is a partial list of operators you can use in the where clause.

Team Fly