Team Fly 

Page 50

Order Data

So far, all of our select queries have returned records in random order. Earlier, we selected records from the customer table where the customer was located in either Connecticut or Utah and had a credit limit of $15,000. The results came back in no apparent order. It is often desirable to order the result set on one or more of the selected columns. In this case, it probably would have been easier to interpret the results if they were sorted by state, and within that state were then sorted by customer ID. Let's take a look at the query syntax and resulting output:

SQL> select cust_id, cust_state_province, cust_credit_limit
  2  from   customers
  3  where  cust_credit_limit = 15000
  4  and    cust_state_province in ('UT','CT')
  5  order by cust_state_province, cust_id;

---------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------
    101515 CT                                                   15000
    101798 CT                                                   15000
    102238 CT                                                   15000
    102579 CT                                                   15000
    103171 CT                                                   15000
    104381 CT                                                   15000
     24830 UT                                                   15000
    103007 UT                                                   15000

8 rows selected.

Any column specified in the order by statement could either be sorted in ascending or descending order. By default, Oracle will sort each column in ascending order. In order to sort a column in descending order, the use of desc following the order by column will accomplish this. Let's look at the previous example one more time with the customer IDs sorted in descending order:

SQL> select cust_id, cust_state_province, cust_credit_limit
  2  from   customers
  3  where  cust_credit_limit = 15000
  4  and    cust_state_province in ('UT','CT')
  5  order by cust_state_province, cust_id desc;

---------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------
    104381 CT                                                   15000
    103171 CT                                                   15000
    102579 CT                                                   15000
Team Fly 
0069-CRITICAL SKILL 2.5 Order Data