Team Fly 

Page 73

Correlated Subqueries with Joins

A correlated subquery is a query that references a column from the main query. In our example that follows, it enables us to first retrieve the average list price for each product category and then join it back (correlate it) to the product category in the outer query. Let's take a look at the example and its output:

SQL> select substr(prod_category,1,22) Category,
  2         substr(prod_name,1,39) Product,
  3         prod_list_price List
  4  from   products p
  5  where  prod_list_price > (select avg(prod_list_price)
  6                            from   products
  7                            where  p.prod_category = prod_category)
  8  order by substr(prod_category,1,22), prod_list_price desc;
CATEGORY               PRODUCT                                 LIST
---------------------- --------------------------------------- --------
Electronics            Home Theatre Package with DVD-Audio/Vid   599.99
Electronics            8.3 Minitower Speaker                     499.99
Electronics            Y Box                                     299.99
Hardware               Envoy Ambassador                         1299.99
Peripherals and Access 17'' LCD w/built-in HDTV Tuner             999.99
Peripherals and Access 18" Flat Panel Graphics Monitor           899.99
Peripherals and Access Model NM500X High Yield Toner Cartridge   192.99
Peripherals and Access SIMM- 16MB PCMCIAII card                  149.99
Photo                  Mini DV Camcorder with 3.5" Swivel LCD   1099.99
Photo                  5MP Telephoto Digital Camera              899.99
Software/Other         Unix/Windows 1-user pack                  199.99
Software/Other         Laptop carrying case                       55.99
Software/Other         DVD-R Discs, 4.7GB, Pack of 5              49.99
Software/Other         O/S Documentation Set - English            44.99
Software/Other         O/S Documentation Set - German             44.99
Software/Other         O/S Documentation Set - French             44.99
Software/Other         O/S Documentation Set - Spanish            44.99
Software/Other         O/S Documentation Set - Italian            44.99
Software/Other         O/S Documentation Set - Kanji              44.99
19 rows selected.

The main query retrieves the Category, Product, and List Price details for each product that is greater than the average list price of all products within its category. This wouldn't otherwise be possible without the correlated join of the subqueries product category with the main queries product category, referenced by the main queries table alias.

Notice as well that the order by exists on the outer query. If it were placed in the subquery, it wouldn't work. The displayed results are what we want to order, not the subquery results.

Team Fly